package Apache::DBI::Cache::mysql; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; our $VERSION = '0.06'; BEGIN { die "Please load Apache::DBI::Cache before" unless defined &Apache::DBI::Cache::plugin; require DBD::mysql; Apache::DBI::Cache::plugin ( 'mysql', sub { # Idx generator $ctx my ($dsn, $user, $passwd, $attr)=@_; $Apache::DBI::Cache::LOG->(3, "mysql plugin: got dsn=$dsn"); $attr={%{$attr||{}}, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $passwd, }; DBD::mysql->_OdbcParse($dsn, $attr, ['database', 'host', 'port']); if( exists $attr->{host} ) { $attr->{port}=3306 unless( exists $attr->{port} ); } $attr->{AutoCommit}=1 unless( exists $attr->{AutoCommit} ); $dsn=join(';', map( {length $attr->{$_} ? $_."=".$attr->{$_} : ()} (qw/host port/))); my $ctx={}; $ctx->{database}=$attr->{database} if( length $attr->{database} ); ($user, $passwd)=delete @{$attr}{qw/user password host port database/}; $Apache::DBI::Cache::LOG->(3, "mysql plugin: returning dsn=$dsn"); return ($dsn, $user, $passwd, $attr, $ctx); }, sub { # connection reinit: issue 'use db' my ($dbh, $dsn, $user, $passwd, $attr, $ctx)=@_; if( exists $ctx->{database} ) { $Apache::DBI::Cache::LOG->(3, "mysql plugin: use database $ctx->{database}"); my $rc=eval { $dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect}=0; $dbh->do('USE '.$ctx->{database}); }; $Apache::DBI::Cache::LOG->(0, "mysql: USE $ctx->{database} failed".($@?": $@":length($_=$dbh->errstr)?": $_":"")) unless($rc); return $rc; } else { $Apache::DBI::Cache::LOG->(3, "mysql plugin: no database specified"); return 1; } } ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::DBI::Cache::mysql - a Apache::DBI::Cache plugin =head1 SYNOPSIS use Apache::DBI::Cache plugin=>'Apache::DBI::Cache::mysql', ...; or use Apache::DBI::Cache; use Apache::DBI::Cache::mysql; =head1 DESCRIPTION B Read L before. C allows many different DSN syntaxes for connecting to the same database server and the same database. This plugin transforms them to a standard format thus allowing better DBI handle caching. Further, if C is omitted the standard port 3306 is inserted. The actual database is deleted from the DSN and replaced by a C command. So, DBI connects to the following DSNs as the same user at different times are actually performed with the same DSN C. Subsequently C commands are issued before passing the handle to the caller. dbi:mysql:dbname=db1;host=server dbi:mysql:db2:server:3306 dbi:mysql:port=3306;database=db3;host=server Apache::DBI::Cache can cache them all under the same key. So only one real database connection is needed instead of 3 without the plugin. Furthermore, C is turned off. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L =back =head1 AUTHOR Torsten Foertsch, Etorsten.foertsch@gmx.netE With suggestions from =over 4 =item Z<> Andreas Nolte E andreas dot nolte at bertelsmann dot de E =item Z<> Dietmar Hanisch E dietmar dot hanisch at bertelsmann dot de E and =item Z<> Ewald Hinrichs E ewald dot hinrichs at bertelsmann dot de E =back =head1 SPONSORING Sincere thanks to Arvato Direct Services ( for sponsoring this module and providing a test platform with several thousand DBI connections. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 by Torsten Foertsch This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut