package Apache::DBI::Cache; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; our $VERSION = '0.08'; BEGIN { eval { require Apache; } } BEGIN { eval { require mod_perl2; require Apache2::Module; } } our $DEBUG = 0; our $LOG=sub { my $level=shift; my @l=localtime; my $prefix=sprintf( '%5d %d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d '.__PACKAGE__." ", $$, $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1, @l[3,2,1,0] ); print STDERR $prefix, @_, "\n" if( $DEBUG >= $level ); }; if( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}==2 ) { require Apache2::ServerUtil; require Apache2::Log; my $s = Apache2::ServerUtil->server; $s->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler => \&init); $s->push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler => \&finish); $s->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler => sub { Apache2::Status->menu_item('DBI_conn' => 'DBI connections', \&statistics_as_html) if Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status'); } ); $LOG=sub { my $level=shift; my $log=$s->log; if( $level==0 ) { $log->error(__PACKAGE__.': '.join('', @_)); } elsif( $level==1 ) { $log->info(__PACKAGE__.': '.join('', @_)); } elsif( $DEBUG>=2 ) { $log->debug("$$: ".join('', @_)); } }; } elsif( exists $INC{''} ) { require Apache::Log; if( Apache->can('push_handlers') ) { Apache->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler => \&init); Apache->push_handlers(PerlChildExitHandler => \&finish); Apache->push_handlers(PerlChildInitHandler => sub { Apache::Status->menu_item('DBI_conn' => 'DBI connections', \&statistics_as_html) if( Apache->can('module') and # really? Apache->module('Apache::Status') ); # Apache::Status too? } ); } if( Apache->can('server') ) { $LOG=sub { my $level=shift; my $log=Apache->server->log; if( $level==0 ) { $log->error(__PACKAGE__.': '.join('', @_)); } elsif( $level==1 ) { $log->info(__PACKAGE__.': '.join('', @_)); } elsif( $DEBUG>=2 ) { $log->debug("$$: ".join('', @_)); } }; } } use DBI (); require_version DBI 1.37; our %Connected; # cache for database handles our @ChildConnect; # connections to be established when a new httpd child is created our %STAT; # gather statistics. This will be tied to BerkeleyDB. our $STATdb; # object %STAT is tied to our %localSTAT; our %plugin; our $DELIMITER="\1"; our $GLOBAL_DESTROY; our $PRIVATE='private_'.__PACKAGE__; my $use_bdb; my $envpath; my $bdb_memcache; sub import { my $class=shift; my %o; while( my ($k, $v)=splice @_, 0, 2 ) { $o{$k}=[] unless( exists $o{$k} ); push @{$o{$k}}, $v; } $DEBUG=$o{debug}->[0] if(exists $o{debug}); $LOG=$o{logger}->[0] if(exists $o{logger}); $DELIMITER=$o{delimiter}->[0] if(exists $o{delimiter}); if(exists $o{use_bdb}) { $use_bdb=$o{use_bdb}->[0]; } elsif( eval {require BerkeleyDB; require File::Path;} ) { $use_bdb=1; } if( $use_bdb ) { require BerkeleyDB; require File::Path; if(exists $o{bdb_env}) { $envpath=$o{bdb_env}->[0]; } elsif(exists $ENV{APACHE_DBI_CACHE_ENVPATH}) { $envpath=$ENV{APACHE_DBI_CACHE_ENVPATH}; } $envpath='/tmp/'.__PACKAGE__ unless(length $envpath); File::Path::rmtree( $envpath ); die "ERROR: Cannot remove $envpath: $!\n" if( -e $envpath ); if(exists $o{bdb_memcache}) { $bdb_memcache=$o{bdb_memcache}->[0]; } elsif(exists $ENV{APACHE_DBI_CACHE_CACHESIZE}) { $bdb_memcache=$ENV{APACHE_DBI_CACHE_CACHESIZE}; } $bdb_memcache=20*1024 if( $bdb_memcache==0 ); } if(exists $o{plugin}) { foreach my $v (@{$o{plugin}}) { if(ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { plugin(@{$v}); } else { eval "use $v"; die "$@" if $@; } } } } sub plugin { my $driver=shift; my $old=$plugin{$driver}; if( @_==2 and ref $_[0] eq 'CODE' and ref $_[1] eq 'CODE' ) { $plugin{$driver}=[@_]; } elsif( @_==2 and !defined $_[0] and !defined $_[1] ) { delete $plugin{$driver}; } return @{$old||[]}; } sub _statop { my $statIdx=shift; if( $STATdb ) { my $lock=$STATdb->cds_lock; my $stat=$STAT{$statIdx} || [0,0,0,0,0]; my $lstat=$localSTAT{$statIdx} || [0,0,0,0,0]; while( my ($i, $x)=splice @_, 0, 2 ) { $stat->[$i]+=$x; $lstat->[$i]+=$x; } $STAT{$statIdx}=$stat; $localSTAT{$statIdx}=$lstat; $lock->cds_unlock; } else { my $stat=$STAT{$statIdx} || [0,0,0,0,0]; while( my ($i, $x)=splice @_, 0, 2 ) { $stat->[$i]+=$x; } $STAT{$statIdx}=$stat; } } { my $init=0; sub init { if( $init ) { $LOG->(2, "init: already initialized"); return 1; } undef $GLOBAL_DESTROY; if( $use_bdb ) { $LOG->(1, "init: initializing BerkeleyDB environment at $envpath"); unless( -d $envpath ) { File::Path::mkpath( $envpath ); die "ERROR: Cannot create $envpath: $!\n" unless( -d $envpath ); } my $env=BerkeleyDB::Env->new ( -Home=>$envpath, -Cachesize=>$bdb_memcache, -ErrFile=>\*STDERR, -ErrPrefix=>__PACKAGE__.' BerkeleyDB', -Flags=>(&BerkeleyDB::DB_CREATE| &BerkeleyDB::DB_INIT_CDB| &BerkeleyDB::DB_INIT_MPOOL), ); die "ERROR: Cannot create BerkeleyDB environment ($envpath): $BerkeleyDB::Error\n" unless( $env ); $STATdb=tie( %STAT, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree', -Filename=>'handles.db', -Env=>$env, -Flags=>&BerkeleyDB::DB_CREATE, ); $STATdb->filter_store_value( sub {no warnings 'uninitialized'; $_=join ':', @$_} ); $STATdb->filter_fetch_value( sub {no warnings 'uninitialized'; $_=[split ':', $_]} ); } else { $LOG->(1, "init: working without BerkeleyDB"); } # redirect connects to us $DBI::connect_via=__PACKAGE__.'::connect'; # redirect &DBI::connect_cached to DBI::connect undef &DBI::connect_cached; *DBI::connect_cached=\&DBI::connect; my @l; for my $aref (@ChildConnect) { shift @$aref if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $aref->[0], __PACKAGE__ ) ); my $dbh=DBI->connect(@$aref); push @l, $dbh if($dbh); } @ChildConnect=(); @l=(); $init=1; eval 'END{finish();}'; 1; } sub finish { return unless( $init ); $GLOBAL_DESTROY=1; if( $STATdb ) { foreach (keys %localSTAT) { _statop( $_, 0, -$localSTAT{$_}->[0], # decr. handle count 1, -$localSTAT{$_}->[1] ); # decr. free count } } %Connected=(); if( $use_bdb ) { $LOG->(2, "finish: shutting down BerkeleyDB environment"); undef $STATdb; untie %STAT; } $init=0; 1; } } { my @undef_at_cleanup; sub undef_at_request_cleanup { my @l=grep {ref eq 'REF' or ref eq 'SCALAR'} @_; return unless( @l ); $LOG->(2, "undef_at_request_cleanup: @{[map {${$_}} @l]}"); unless( @undef_at_cleanup ) { if( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}==2 ) { require Apache2::RequestUtil; Apache2::RequestUtil->request ->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler=>\&request_cleanup); } elsif( exists $INC{''} and Apache->can( 'push_handlers' ) ) { Apache->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler=>\&request_cleanup); } } push @undef_at_cleanup, @l; } sub request_cleanup { $LOG->(2, "request_cleanup:"); foreach my $v (@undef_at_cleanup) { $LOG->(2, " undefining ${$v}"); undef ${$v}; } @undef_at_cleanup=(); } } sub connect_on_init { # provide a handler which creates all connections during server startup # store connections push @ChildConnect, [@_]; } # the connect method called from DBI::connect our %patched_classes=('Apache::DBI::Cache'=>1); sub connect { my $class = shift; unshift @_, $class if ref $class; my $drh = shift; my @args = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_; unless( 3 == $#args and ref $args[3] eq "HASH" ) { @args=(@args[0..2], {}); } my ($Idx, $statIdx, $ctx); if( exists $plugin{$drh->{Name}} ) { my @l=$plugin{$drh->{Name}}->[0]->(@args); if( @l ) { my $nocache; ($ctx, $nocache)=splice @l, 4, 2; @args[0..2]=@l[0..2]; %{$args[3]}=%{$l[3]}; return $drh->connect(@args) if( $nocache ); } else { return $drh->connect(@args); } } my $dsn="dbi:$drh->{Name}:$args[0]"; my $RootClass=delete $args[3]->{RootClass}; unless( defined $RootClass ) { # this is a very ugly hack package # this line break should make the CPAN indexer happy DB; # to get @DB::args set by caller() for( my $i=1; my @l=caller($i++); ) { if( $l[3] eq 'DBI::connect' ) { $RootClass=$DB::args[0] unless( $DB::args[0] eq 'DBI' ); last; } } } $Idx =join $DELIMITER, $drh->{Name}, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]; $statIdx=join $DELIMITER, $drh->{Name}, $args[0], $args[1]; # should we default to '__undef__' or something for undef values? map { $Idx .= "$DELIMITER$_=" . (defined $args[3]->{$_} ? $args[3]->{$_} : ''); } sort keys %{$args[3]}; if( defined $RootClass ) { unless( $patched_classes{$RootClass} ) { # this is a very ugly hack $patched_classes{$RootClass}=1; no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; *{$RootClass.'::db::disconnect'}=\&Apache::DBI::Cache::db::disconnect; *{$RootClass.'::db::DESTROY'}=\&Apache::DBI::Cache::db::DESTROY; } $args[3]->{RootClass}=$RootClass; } else { $args[3]->{RootClass}=__PACKAGE__; } if( exists $Connected{$Idx} ) { while( my $dbh=shift @{$Connected{$Idx}} ) { local $GLOBAL_DESTROY=2; if( eval{$dbh->ping} ) { if( exists $plugin{$drh->{Name}} ) { unless( $plugin{$drh->{Name}}->[1]->($dbh, @args, $ctx) ) { _statop( $statIdx, 4, 1, # plugin failure 1, -1, # decr. free count 0, -1 ); # decr. handle count $LOG->(2, "reusing connection to '$Idx' failed due to plugin error"); undef $dbh; next; } } _statop( $statIdx, 2, 1, # incr. usage count 1, -1 ); # decr. free count $LOG->(2, "reusing connection to '$Idx'"); $dbh->{$PRIVATE}->{disconnected}=0; return $dbh; } else { _statop( $statIdx, 3, 1, # ping failure 1, -1, # decr. free count 0, -1 ); # decr. handle count $LOG->(2, "reusing connection to '$Idx' failed due to PING failure"); undef $dbh; } } } my $dbh=$drh->connect(@args); if( defined $dbh ) { my $privattr={%{$args[3]}}; delete $privattr->{RootClass}; $dbh->{$PRIVATE}=+{ disconnected=>0, idx=>$Idx, statIdx=>$statIdx, attr=>$privattr, }; if( exists $plugin{$drh->{Name}} ) { local $GLOBAL_DESTROY=2; unless( $plugin{$drh->{Name}}->[1]->($dbh, @args, $ctx) ) { _statop( $statIdx, 4, 1 ); # plugin error $LOG->(2, "new connection to '$Idx' failed due to plugin error"); undef $dbh; return; } } _statop( $statIdx, 0, 1, 2, 1 ); # incr. handle count, incr. usage } # return the new database handle $LOG->(2, "new connection to '$Idx'"); return $dbh; } sub statistics { return \%STAT; } { my %esc=(qw/" " < < > > & &/); $esc{' '}=' '; my $esc=sub { my $v=shift; $v=length $v ? $v : ' '; $v=~s/(["<>& ])/$esc{$1}/ge; $v; }; sub statistics_as_html { my @s; my $lock; if( $STATdb ) { $lock=$STATdb->cds_lock; push @s, "
Driver | Datasource | '. 'Username | Handle Count | Free Handles | '. 'Usage Count | Ping Failures | Plugin Failures | '. '', map {$esc->($_)} @{$STAT{$k}} ); push( @s, (' |
'. join(' | ', map {$esc->($_)} (split /\Q$DELIMITER\E/, $k)[0..2]). " | $v |