# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package APR::Const; use ModPerl::Const (); use APR (); use XSLoader (); our $VERSION = '0.009000'; our @ISA = qw(ModPerl::Const); XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION); 1; =head1 NAME APR::Const - Perl Interface for APR Constants =head1 Synopsis # make the constants available but don't import them use APR::Const -compile => qw(constant names ...); # w/o the => syntax sugar use APR::Const ("-compile", qw(constant names ...)); # compile and import the constants use APR::Const qw(constant names ...); =head1 Description This package contains constants specific to C features. Refer to C> for more information. =head1 Constants =head2 C<:common> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:common); The C<:common> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:error> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error); The C<:error> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back The error I, may be returned by many different system calls, especially IO calls. Most likely you want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Something is not implemented =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:fopen> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:fopen); The C<:fopen> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:filepath> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:filepath); The C<:filepath> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:fprot> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:fprot); The C<:fprot> group is used by Cprotection|docs::2.0::api::APR::Finfo/C_protection_>>. =head3 C Execute by group =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Read by group =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Set group id =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Write by group =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C use OS's default permissions =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Execute by user =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Read by user =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Set user id =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Write by user =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Execute by others =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Read by others =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Sticky bit =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Write by others =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:filetype> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:filetype); The C<:filetype> group is used by Cfiletype|docs::2.0::api::APR::Finfo/C_filetype_>>. =head3 C a file is a block device =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a character device =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a directory =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a symbolic link =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C the file type is undedetermined. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a FIFO or a pipe. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a regular file. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is a [unix domain] socket. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C a file is of some other unknown type or the type cannot be determined. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:finfo> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:finfo); The C<:finfo> group is used by C> and Cvalid|docs::2.0::api::APR::Finfo/C_valid_>>. =head3 C Access Time =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Storage size consumed by the file =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Creation Time =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Device =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C an atomic unix apr_dir_read() =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Group protection bits =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Group id =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C whether device is case insensitive =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C device and inode =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Inode =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Stat the link not the file itself if it is a link =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C type, mtime, ctime, atime, size =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Modification Time =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C name in proper case =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Number of links =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C All fields provided by an atomic unix apr_stat() =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C user and group =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C all protections =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Size of the file =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Type =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C User protection bits =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C User id =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C World protection bits =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:flock> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:flock); The C<:flock> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:hook> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:hook); The C<:hook> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:limit> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:limit); The C<:limit> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:lockmech> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:lockmech); The C<:lockmech> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:poll> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:poll); The C<:poll> group is used by C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Pending error =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Hangup occurred =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Can read without blocking =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Descriptior invalid =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Can write without blocking =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Priority data available =head2 C<:read_type> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:read_type); The C<:read_type> group is for IO constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back the read function blocks =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back the read function does not block =head2 C<:shutdown_how> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:shutdown_how); The C<:shutdown_how> group is for XXX constants. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:socket> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:socket); The C<:socket> group is for the C> object constants, in methods C> and C>. The following section discusses in detail each of the C<:socket> constants. =head3 C Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Turns on debugging information =head3 C Queries the disconnected state of the socket. (Currently only used on Windows) Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Keeps connections active Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Lingers on close if data is present =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Turns blocking IO mode on/off for socket. Possible values: 1 nonblocking 0 blocking For example, to set a socket to a blocking IO mode: use APR::Socket (); use APR::Const -compile => qw(SO_NONBLOCK); ... if ($socket->opt_get(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK)) { $socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0); } You don't have to query for this option, before setting it. It was done for the demonstration purpose. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Controls the C setting Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C The rules used in validating addresses supplied to bind should allow reuse of local addresses. Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C Controls the C setting Possible values: XXX =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 C<:status> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:status); The C<:status> group is for the API that return status code, or set the error variable XXXXXX. The following section discusses in detail each of the available C<:status> constants. =head3 C The operation did not finish before the timeout. =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back Due to possible variants in conditions matching C, for checking error codes against this you most likely want to use the C> function instead. =head2 C<:table> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:table); The C<:table> group is for C and C constants. See C> for details. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C> and C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C> and C>. =head2 C<:uri> use APR::Const -compile => qw(:uri); The C<:uri> group of constants is for manipulating URIs. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>. =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back =head2 Other Constants =head3 C =over =item since: 2.0.00 =back See C>) =head1 See Also L. =head1 Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. =head1 Authors L. =cut