## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!       IF YOU MODIFY THIS FILE       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
## Any files created or read by this program should be listed in 'mktables.lst'

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.008;	# Needs pack "U". Probably safest to run on 5.8.x
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Spec;

## mktables -- create the runtime Perl Unicode files (lib/unicore/**/*.pl)
## from the Unicode database files (lib/unicore/*.txt).

## "Fuzzy" means this section in Unicode TR18:
##    The recommended names for UCD properties and property values are in
##    PropertyAliases.txt [Prop] and PropertyValueAliases.txt
##    [PropValue]. There are both abbreviated names and longer, more
##    descriptive names. It is strongly recommended that both names be
##    recognized, and that loose matching of property names be used,
##    whereby the case distinctions, whitespace, hyphens, and underbar
##    are ignored.

## Base names already used in lib/gc_sc (for avoiding 8.3 conflicts)
my %BaseNames;

## Process any args.
my $Verbose        = 0;
my $MakeTestScript = 0;
my $AlwaysWrite    = 0;
my $UseDir         = "";
my $FileList       = "$0.lst";
my $MakeList       = 0;

while (@ARGV)
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;
    if ($arg eq '-v') {
        $Verbose = 1;
    } elsif ($arg eq '-q') {
        $Verbose = 0;
    } elsif ($arg eq '-w') {
        $AlwaysWrite = 1;	# update the files even if they havent changed
        $FileList = "";
    } elsif ($arg eq '-check') {
        my $this = shift @ARGV;
        my $ok = shift @ARGV;
        if ($this ne $ok) {
            print "Skipping as check params are not the same.\n";
    } elsif ($arg eq '-maketest') {
        $MakeTestScript = 1;
    } elsif ($arg eq '-makelist') {
        $MakeList = 1;        
    } elsif ($arg eq '-C' && defined ($UseDir = shift)) {
	-d $UseDir or die "Unknown directory '$UseDir'";
    } elsif ($arg eq '-L' && defined ($FileList = shift)) {
        -e $FileList or die "Filelist '$FileList' doesn't appear to exist!";
    } else {
        die "usage: $0 [-v|-q|-w|-C dir|-L filelist] [-maketest] [-makelist]\n",
            "  -v          : Verbose Mode\n",
            "  -q          : Quiet Mode\n",
            "  -w          : Write files regardless\n",
            "  -maketest   : Make test script\n",
            "  -makelist   : Rewrite the file list based on current setup\n",
            "  -L filelist : Use this file list, (defaults to $0)\n",
            "  -C dir      : Change to this directory before proceeding\n",
            "  -check A B  : Executes only if A and B are the same\n";   

if ($FileList) {
    print "Reading file list '$FileList'\n"
        if $Verbose;
    open my $fh,"<",$FileList or die "Failed to read '$FileList':$!";
    my @input;
    my @output;
    for my $list ( \@input, \@output ) {
        while (<$fh>) {
            s/^ \s+ | \s+ $//xg;
            next if /^ \s* (?: \# .* )? $/x;
            last if /^ =+ $/x;
            my ( $file ) = split /\t/, $_;
            push @$list, $file;
        my %dupe;
        @$list = grep !$dupe{ $_ }++, @$list;
    close $fh;
    die "No input or output files in '$FileList'!"
        if !@input or !@output;
    if ( $MakeList ) {
        foreach my $file (@output) {
            unlink $file;
    if ( $Verbose ) {
        print "Expecting ".scalar( @input )." input files. ",
              "Checking ".scalar( @output )." output files.\n";
    # we set maxtime to be the youngest input file, including $0 itself.
    my $maxtime = -M $0; # do this before the chdir!
    if ($UseDir) {
        chdir $UseDir or die "Failed to chdir to '$UseDir':$!";
    foreach my $in (@input) {
        my $time = -M $in;
        die "Missing input file '$in'" unless defined $time;
        $maxtime = $time if $maxtime < $time;

    # now we check to see if any output files are older than maxtime, if
    # they are we need to continue on, otherwise we can presumably bail.
    my $ok = 1;
    foreach my $out (@output) {
        if ( ! -e $out ) {
            print "'$out' is missing.\n"
                if $Verbose;
            $ok = 0;
        if ( -M $out > $maxtime ) {
            print "'$out' is too old.\n"
                if $Verbose;
            $ok = 0;
    if ($ok) {
        print "Files seem to be ok, not bothering to rebuild.\n";
    print "Must rebuild tables.\n"
        if $Verbose;
} else {
    if ($Verbose) {
        print "Not checking filelist.\n";
    if ($UseDir) {
        chdir $UseDir or die "Failed to chdir to '$UseDir':$!";

foreach my $lib ('To', 'lib',
		 map {File::Spec->catdir("lib",$_)}
		 qw(gc_sc dt bc hst ea jt lb nt ccc)) {
  next if -d $lib;
  mkdir $lib, 0755 or die "mkdir '$lib': $!";

my $LastUnicodeCodepoint = 0x10FFFF; # As of Unicode 3.1.1.

my $HEADER=<<"EOF";
# !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!! 
# This file is built by $0 from e.g. UnicodeData.txt.
# Any changes made here will be lost!


sub force_unlink {
    my $filename = shift;
    return unless -e $filename;
    return if CORE::unlink($filename);
    # We might need write permission
    chmod 0777, $filename;
    CORE::unlink($filename) or die "Couldn't unlink $filename: $!\n";

## Given a filename and a reference to an array of lines,
## write the lines to the file only if the contents have not changed.
## Filename can be given as an arrayref of directory names
sub WriteIfChanged($\@)
    my $file  = shift;
    my $lines = shift;

    $file = File::Spec->catfile(@$file) if ref $file;

    my $TextToWrite = join '', @$lines;
    if (open IN, $file) {
        local($/) = undef;
        my $PreviousText = <IN>;
        close IN;
        if ($PreviousText eq $TextToWrite) {
            print "$file unchanged.\n" if $Verbose;
            return unless $AlwaysWrite;
    force_unlink ($file);
    if (not open OUT, ">$file") {
        die "$0: can't open $file for output: $!\n";
    print "$file written.\n" if $Verbose;

    print OUT $TextToWrite;
    close OUT;

## The main datastructure (a "Table") represents a set of code points that
## are part of a particular quality (that are part of \pL, \p{InGreek},
## etc.). They are kept as ranges of code points (starting and ending of
## each range).
## For example, a range ASCII LETTERS would be represented as:
##   [ [ 0x41 => 0x5A, 'UPPER' ],
##     [ 0x61 => 0x7A, 'LOWER, ] ]
sub RANGE_START() { 0 } ## index into range element
sub RANGE_END()   { 1 } ## index into range element
sub RANGE_NAME()  { 2 } ## index into range element

## Conceptually, these should really be folded into the 'Table' objects
my %TableInfo;
my %TableDesc;
my %FuzzyNames;
my %AliasInfo;
my %CanonicalToOrig;

## Turn something like
## into
##    OldItalic
sub CanonicalName($)
    my $orig = shift;
    my $name = lc $orig;
    $name =~ s/(?<![a-z])(\w)/\u$1/g;
    $name =~ s/[-_\s]+//g;

    $CanonicalToOrig{$name} = $orig if not $CanonicalToOrig{$name};
    return $name;

## Store the alias definitions for later use.
my %PropertyAlias;
my %PropValueAlias;

my %PA_reverse;
my %PVA_reverse;

sub Build_Aliases()
    ## Most of the work with aliases doesn't occur here,
    ## but rather in utf8_heavy.pl, which uses PVA.pl,

    # Placate the warnings about used only once. (They are used again, but
    # via a typeglob lookup)
    %utf8::PropertyAlias = ();
    %utf8::PA_reverse = ();
    %utf8::PropValueAlias = ();
    %utf8::PVA_reverse = ();
    %utf8::PVA_abbr_map = ();

    open PA, "< PropertyAliases.txt"
	or confess "Can't open PropertyAliases.txt: $!";
    while (<PA>) {
	next if /^$/;

	my ($abbrev, $name) = split /\s*;\s*/;
        next if $abbrev eq "n/a";
	$PropertyAlias{$abbrev} = $name;
        $PA_reverse{$name} = $abbrev;

	# The %utf8::... versions use japhy's code originally from utf8_pva.pl
	# However, it's moved here so that we build the tables at runtime.
	tr/ _-//d for $abbrev, $name;
	$utf8::PropertyAlias{lc $abbrev} = $name;
	$utf8::PA_reverse{lc $name} = $abbrev;
    close PA;

    open PVA, "< PropValueAliases.txt"
	or confess "Can't open PropValueAliases.txt: $!";
    while (<PVA>) {
	next if /^$/;

	my ($prop, @data) = split /\s*;\s*/;

	if ($prop eq 'ccc') {
	    $PropValueAlias{$prop}{$data[1]} = [ @data[0,2] ];
	    $PVA_reverse{$prop}{$data[2]} = [ @data[0,1] ];
	else {
            next if $data[0] eq "n/a";
	    $PropValueAlias{$prop}{$data[0]} = $data[1];
            $PVA_reverse{$prop}{$data[1]} = $data[0];

	shift @data if $prop eq 'ccc';
	next if $data[0] eq "n/a";

	$data[1] =~ tr/ _-//d;
	$utf8::PropValueAlias{$prop}{lc $data[0]} = $data[1];
	$utf8::PVA_reverse{$prop}{lc $data[1]} = $data[0];

	my $abbr_class = ($prop eq 'gc' or $prop eq 'sc') ? 'gc_sc' : $prop;
	$utf8::PVA_abbr_map{$abbr_class}{lc $data[0]} = $data[0];
    close PVA;

    # backwards compatibility for L& -> LC
    $utf8::PropValueAlias{gc}{'l&'} = $utf8::PropValueAlias{gc}{lc};
    $utf8::PVA_abbr_map{gc_sc}{'l&'} = $utf8::PVA_abbr_map{gc_sc}{lc};


## Associates a property ("Greek", "Lu", "Assigned",...) with a Table.
## Called like:
##       New_Prop(In => 'Greek', $Table, Desc => 'Greek Block', Fuzzy => 1);
## Normally, these parameters are set when the Table is created (when the
## Table->New constructor is called), but there are times when it needs to
## be done after-the-fact...)
sub New_Prop($$$@)
    my $Type = shift; ## "Is" or "In";
    my $Name = shift;
    my $Table = shift;

    ## remaining args are optional key/val
    my %Args = @_;

    my $Fuzzy = delete $Args{Fuzzy};
    my $Desc  = delete $Args{Desc}; # description

    $Name = CanonicalName($Name) if $Fuzzy;

    ## sanity check a few args
    if (%Args or ($Type ne 'Is' and $Type ne 'In') or not ref $Table) {
        confess "$0: bad args to New_Prop"

    if (not $TableInfo{$Type}->{$Name})
        $TableInfo{$Type}->{$Name} = $Table;
        $TableDesc{$Type}->{$Name} = $Desc;
        if ($Fuzzy) {
            $FuzzyNames{$Type}->{$Name} = $Name;

## Creates a new Table object.
## Args are key/value pairs:
##    In => Name         -- Name of "In" property to be associated with
##    Is => Name         -- Name of "Is" property to be associated with
##    Fuzzy => Boolean   -- True if name can be accessed "fuzzily"
##    Desc  => String    -- Description of the property
## No args are required.
sub Table::New
    my $class = shift;
    my %Args = @_;

    my $Table = bless [], $class;

    my $Fuzzy = delete $Args{Fuzzy};
    my $Desc  = delete $Args{Desc};

    for my $Type ('Is', 'In')
        if (my $Name = delete $Args{$Type}) {
            New_Prop($Type => $Name, $Table, Desc => $Desc, Fuzzy => $Fuzzy);

    ## shouldn't have any left over
    if (%Args) {
        confess "$0: bad args to Table->New"

    return $Table;

## Returns the maximum code point currently in the table.
sub Table::Max
    my $last = $_[0]->[-1];      ## last code point
    confess "oops" unless $last; ## must have code points to have a max
    return $last->[RANGE_END];

## Replaces the codepoints in the Table with those in the Table given
## as an arg. (NOTE: this is not a "deep copy").
sub Table::Replace($$)
    my $Table = shift; #self
    my $New   = shift;

    @$Table = @$New;

## Given a new code point, make the last range of the Table extend to
## include the new (and all intervening) code points.
## Takes the time to make sure that the extension is valid.
sub Table::Extend
    my $Table = shift; #self
    my $codepoint = shift;

    my $PrevMax = $Table->Max;

    confess "oops ($codepoint <= $PrevMax)" if $codepoint <= $PrevMax;


## Given a new code point, make the last range of the Table extend to
## include the new (and all intervening) code points.
## Does NOT check that the extension is valid.  Assumes that the caller
## has already made this check.
sub Table::ExtendNoCheck
    ## Optmized adding: Assumes $Table and $codepoint as parms
    $_[0]->[-1]->[RANGE_END] = $_[1];

## Given a code point range start and end (and optional name), blindly
## append them to the list of ranges for the Table.
## NOTE: Code points must be added in strictly ascending numeric order.
sub Table::RawAppendRange
    my $Table = shift; #self
    my $start = shift;
    my $end   = shift;
    my $name  = shift;
    $name = "" if not defined $name; ## warning: $name can be "0"

    push @$Table, [ $start,    # RANGE_START
                    $end,      # RANGE_END
                    $name   ]; # RANGE_NAME

## Given a code point (and optional name), add it to the Table.
## NOTE: Code points must be added in strictly ascending numeric order.
sub Table::Append
    my $Table     = shift; #self
    my $codepoint = shift;
    my $name      = shift;
    $name = "" if not defined $name; ## warning: $name can be "0"

    ## If we've already got a range working, and this code point is the next
    ## one in line, and if the name is the same, just extend the current range.
    my $last = $Table->[-1];
    if ($last
        $last->[RANGE_END] == $codepoint - 1
        $last->[RANGE_NAME] eq $name)
        $Table->RawAppendRange($codepoint, $codepoint, $name);

## Given a code point range starting value and ending value (and name),
## Add the range to teh Table.
## NOTE: Code points must be added in strictly ascending numeric order.
sub Table::AppendRange
    my $Table = shift; #self
    my $start = shift;
    my $end   = shift;
    my $name  = shift;
    $name = "" if not defined $name; ## warning: $name can be "0"

    $Table->Append($start, $name);
    $Table->Extend($end) if $end > $start;

## Return a new Table that represents all code points not in the Table.
sub Table::Invert
    my $Table = shift; #self

    my $New = Table->New();
    my $max = -1;
    for my $range (@$Table)
        my $start = $range->[RANGE_START];
        my $end   = $range->[RANGE_END];
        if ($start-1 >= $max+1) {
            $New->AppendRange($max+1, $start-1, "");
        $max = $end;
    if ($max+1 < $LastUnicodeCodepoint) {
        $New->AppendRange($max+1, $LastUnicodeCodepoint);
    return $New;

## Merges any number of other tables with $self, returning the new table.
## (existing tables are not modified)
## Args may be Tables, or individual code points (as integers).
## Can be called as either a constructor or a method.
sub Table::Merge
    shift(@_) if not ref $_[0]; ## if called as a constructor, lose the class
    my @Tables = @_;

    ## Accumulate all records from all tables
    my @Records;
    for my $Arg (@Tables)
        if (ref $Arg) {
            ## arg is a table -- get its ranges
            push @Records, @$Arg;
        } else {
            ## arg is a codepoint, make a range
            push @Records, [ $Arg, $Arg ]

    ## sort by range start, with longer ranges coming first.
    my ($first, @Rest) = sort {
        ($a->[RANGE_START] <=> $b->[RANGE_START])
        ($b->[RANGE_END]   <=> $b->[RANGE_END])
    } @Records;

    my $New = Table->New();

    ## Ensuring the first range is there makes the subsequent loop easier

    ## Fold in records so long as they add new information.
    for my $set (@Rest)
        my $start = $set->[RANGE_START];
        my $end   = $set->[RANGE_END];
        if ($start > $New->Max) {
            $New->AppendRange($start, $end);
        } elsif ($end > $New->Max) {

    return $New;

## Given a filename, write a representation of the Table to a file.
## May have an optional comment as a 2nd arg.
## Filename may actually be an arrayref of directories
sub Table::Write
    my $Table    = shift; #self
    my $filename = shift;
    my $comment  = shift;

    my @OUT = $HEADER;
    if (defined $comment) {
        $comment =~ s/\s+\Z//;
        $comment =~ s/^/# /gm;
        push @OUT, "#\n$comment\n#\n";
    push @OUT, "return <<'END';\n";

    for my $set (@$Table)
        my $start = $set->[RANGE_START];
        my $end   = $set->[RANGE_END];
        my $name  = $set->[RANGE_NAME];

        if ($start == $end) {
            push @OUT, sprintf "%04X\t\t%s\n", $start, $name;
        } else {
            push @OUT, sprintf "%04X\t%04X\t%s\n", $start, $end, $name;

    push @OUT, "END\n";

    WriteIfChanged($filename, @OUT);

## This used only for making the test script.
## helper function
sub IsUsable($)
    my $code = shift;
    return 0 if $code <= 0x0000;                       ## don't use null
    return 0 if $code >= $LastUnicodeCodepoint;        ## keep in range
    return 0 if ($code >= 0xD800 and $code <= 0xDFFF); ## no surrogates
    return 0 if ($code >= 0xFDD0 and $code <= 0xFDEF); ## utf8.c says no good
    return 0 if (($code & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFE);          ## utf8.c says no good
    return 0 if (($code & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF);          ## utf8.c says no good
    return 1;

## Return a code point that's part of the table.
## Returns nothing if the table is empty (or covers only surrogates).
## This used only for making the test script.
sub Table::ValidCode
    my $Table = shift; #self
    for my $set (@$Table) {
        return $set->[RANGE_END] if IsUsable($set->[RANGE_END]);
    return ();

## Return a code point that's not part of the table
## Returns nothing if the table covers all code points.
## This used only for making the test script.
sub Table::InvalidCode
    my $Table = shift; #self

    return 0x1234 if not @$Table;

    for my $set (@$Table)
        if (IsUsable($set->[RANGE_END] + 1))
            return $set->[RANGE_END] + 1;

        if (IsUsable($set->[RANGE_START] - 1))
            return $set->[RANGE_START] - 1;
    return ();


## Called like:
##     New_Alias(Is => 'All', SameAs => 'Any', Fuzzy => 1);
## The args must be in that order, although the Fuzzy pair may be omitted.
## This creates 'IsAll' as an alias for 'IsAny'
sub New_Alias($$$@)
    my $Type   = shift; ## "Is" or "In"
    my $Alias  = shift;
    my $SameAs = shift; # expecting "SameAs" -- just ignored
    my $Name   = shift;

    ## remaining args are optional key/val
    my %Args = @_;

    my $Fuzzy = delete $Args{Fuzzy};

    ## sanity check a few args
    if (%Args or ($Type ne 'Is' and $Type ne 'In') or $SameAs ne 'SameAs') {
        confess "$0: bad args to New_Alias"

    $Alias = CanonicalName($Alias) if $Fuzzy;

    if (not $TableInfo{$Type}->{$Name})
        my $CName = CanonicalName($Name);
        if ($TableInfo{$Type}->{$CName}) {
            confess "$0: Use canonical form '$CName' instead of '$Name' for alias.";
        } else {
            confess "$0: don't have original $Type => $Name to make alias\n";
    if ($TableInfo{$Alias}) {
        confess "$0: already have original $Type => $Alias; can't make alias";
    $AliasInfo{$Type}->{$Name} = $Alias;
    if ($Fuzzy) {
        $FuzzyNames{$Type}->{$Alias} = $Name;


## All assigned code points
my $Assigned = Table->New(Is    => 'Assigned',
                          Desc  => "All assigned code points",
                          Fuzzy => 0);

my $Name     = Table->New(); ## all characters, individually by name
my $General  = Table->New(); ## all characters, grouped by category
my %General;
my %Cat;

## Simple Data::Dumper alike. Good enough for our needs. We can't use the real
## thing as we have to run under miniperl
sub simple_dumper {
    my @lines;
    my $item;
    foreach $item (@_) {
	if (ref $item) {
	    if (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') {
		push @lines, "[\n", simple_dumper (@$item), "],\n";
	    } elsif (ref $item eq 'HASH') {
		push @lines, "{\n", simple_dumper (%$item), "},\n";
	    } else {
		die "Can't cope with $item";
	} else {
	    if (defined $item) {
		my $copy = $item;
		$copy =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/gs;
		push @lines, "'$copy',\n";
	    } else {
		push @lines, "undef,\n";

## Process UnicodeData.txt (Categories, etc.)
sub UnicodeData_Txt()
    my $Bidi     = Table->New();
    my $Deco     = Table->New();
    my $Comb     = Table->New();
    my $Number   = Table->New();
    my $Mirrored = Table->New();#Is    => 'Mirrored',
                              #Desc  => "Mirrored in bidirectional text",
                              #Fuzzy => 0);

    my %DC;
    my %Bidi;
    my %Number;
    $DC{can} = Table->New();
    $DC{com} = Table->New();

    ## Initialize Perl-generated categories
    ## (Categories from UnicodeData.txt are auto-initialized in gencat)
    $Cat{Alnum}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Alnum',  Desc => "[[:Alnum:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Alpha}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Alpha',  Desc => "[[:Alpha:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{ASCII}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'ASCII',  Desc => "[[:ASCII:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Blank}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Blank',  Desc => "[[:Blank:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Cntrl}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Cntrl',  Desc => "[[:Cntrl:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Digit}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Digit',  Desc => "[[:Digit:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Graph}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Graph',  Desc => "[[:Graph:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Lower}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Lower',  Desc => "[[:Lower:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Print}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Print',  Desc => "[[:Print:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Punct}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Punct',  Desc => "[[:Punct:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Space}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Space',  Desc => "[[:Space:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Title}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Title',  Desc => "[[:Title:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Upper}  =
	Table->New(Is => 'Upper',  Desc => "[[:Upper:]]",  Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{XDigit} =
	Table->New(Is => 'XDigit', Desc => "[[:XDigit:]]", Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{Word}   =
	Table->New(Is => 'Word',   Desc => "[[:Word:]]",   Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{SpacePerl} =
	Table->New(Is => 'SpacePerl', Desc => '\s', Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{VertSpace} =
	Table->New(Is => 'VertSpace', Desc => '\v', Fuzzy => 0);
    $Cat{HorizSpace} =
	Table->New(Is => 'HorizSpace', Desc => '\h', Fuzzy => 0);
    my %To;
    $To{Upper} = Table->New();
    $To{Lower} = Table->New();
    $To{Title} = Table->New();
    $To{Digit} = Table->New();

    sub gencat($$$$)
        my ($name, ## Name ("LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A")
            $cat,  ## Category ("Lu", "Zp", "Nd", etc.)
            $code, ## Code point (as an integer)
            $op) = @_;

        my $MajorCat = substr($cat, 0, 1); ## L, M, Z, S, etc

        $Name->$op($code, $name);
        $General->$op($code, $cat);

        ## add to the sub category (e.g. "Lu", "Nd", "Cf", ..)
        $Cat{$cat}      ||= Table->New(Is   => $cat,
                                       Desc => "General Category '$cat'",
                                       Fuzzy => 0);

        ## add to the major category (e.g. "L", "N", "C", ...)
        $Cat{$MajorCat} ||= Table->New(Is => $MajorCat,
                                       Desc => "Major Category '$MajorCat'",
                                       Fuzzy => 0);

        ($General{$name} ||= Table->New)->$op($code, $name);

        $Cat{Word}->$op($code)  if $cat =~ /^[LMN]|Pc/;
        $Cat{Alnum}->$op($code) if $cat =~ /^[LM]|Nd/;
        $Cat{Alpha}->$op($code) if $cat =~ /^[LM]/;

	my $isspace = 
	    ($cat =~ /Zs|Zl|Zp/ &&
	     $code != 0x200B) # 200B is ZWSP which is for line break control
	     # and therefore it is not part of "space" even while it is "Zs".
                                || $code == 0x0009  # 0009: HORIZONTAL TAB
                                || $code == 0x000A  # 000A: LINE FEED
                                || $code == 0x000B  # 000B: VERTICAL TAB
                                || $code == 0x000C  # 000C: FORM FEED
                                || $code == 0x000D  # 000D: CARRIAGE RETURN
                                || $code == 0x0085  # 0085: NEL


        $Cat{Space}->$op($code) if $isspace;

        $Cat{SpacePerl}->$op($code) if $isspace
	                               && $code != 0x000B; # Backward compat.

        $Cat{VertSpace}->$op($code) if grep {$code == $_} 
            ( 0x0A..0x0D,0x85,0x2028,0x2029 );

        $Cat{HorizSpace}->$op($code) if grep {$code == $_} (
            0x09,   0x20,   0xa0,   0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002,
            0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a,
            0x202f, 0x205f, 0x3000

        $Cat{Blank}->$op($code) if $isspace
                                && !($code == 0x000A ||
				     $code == 0x000B ||
				     $code == 0x000C ||
				     $code == 0x000D ||
				     $code == 0x0085 ||
				     $cat =~ /^Z[lp]/);

        $Cat{Digit}->$op($code) if $cat eq "Nd";
        $Cat{Upper}->$op($code) if $cat eq "Lu";
        $Cat{Lower}->$op($code) if $cat eq "Ll";
        $Cat{Title}->$op($code) if $cat eq "Lt";
        $Cat{ASCII}->$op($code) if $code <= 0x007F;
        $Cat{Cntrl}->$op($code) if $cat =~ /^C/;
	my $isgraph = !$isspace && $cat !~ /Cc|Cs|Cn/;
        $Cat{Graph}->$op($code) if $isgraph;
        $Cat{Print}->$op($code) if $isgraph || $isspace;
        $Cat{Punct}->$op($code) if $cat =~ /^P/;

        $Cat{XDigit}->$op($code) if ($code >= 0x30 && $code <= 0x39)  ## 0..9
                                 || ($code >= 0x41 && $code <= 0x46)  ## A..F
                                 || ($code >= 0x61 && $code <= 0x66); ## a..f

    ## open ane read file.....
    if (not open IN, "UnicodeData.txt") {
        die "$0: UnicodeData.txt: $!\n";

    ## For building \p{_CombAbove} and \p{_CanonDCIJ}
    my %_Above_HexCodes; ## Hexcodes for chars with $comb == 230 ("ABOVE")

    my %CodeToDeco;      ## Maps code to decomp. list for chars with first
                         ## decomp. char an "i" or "j" (for \p{_CanonDCIJ})

    ## This is filled in as we go....
    my $CombAbove = Table->New(Is   => '_CombAbove',
                               Desc  => '(for internal casefolding use)',
                               Fuzzy => 0);

    while (<IN>)
        next unless /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+;/;

        my ($hexcode,   ## code point in hex (e.g. "0041")
            $name,      ## character name (e.g. "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A")
            $cat,       ## category (e.g. "Lu")
            $comb,      ## Canonical combining class (e.t. "230")
            $bidi,      ## directional category (e.g. "L")
            $deco,      ## decomposition mapping
            $decimal,   ## decimal digit value
            $digit,     ## digit value
            $number,    ## numeric value
            $mirrored,  ## mirrored
            $unicode10, ## name in Unicode 1.0
            $comment,   ## comment field
            $upper,     ## uppercase mapping
            $lower,     ## lowercase mapping
            $title,     ## titlecase mapping
              ) = split(/\s*;\s*/);

	# Note that in Unicode 3.2 there will be names like
	# LINE FEED (LF), which probably means that \N{} needs
	# to cope also with LINE FEED and LF.
	$name = $unicode10 if $name eq '<control>' && $unicode10 ne '';

        my $code = hex($hexcode);

        if ($comb and $comb == 230) {
            $_Above_HexCodes{$hexcode} = 1;

        ## Used in building \p{_CanonDCIJ}
        if ($deco and $deco =~ m/^006[9A]\b/) {
            $CodeToDeco{$code} = $deco;

        ## There are a few pairs of lines like:
        ##   AC00;<Hangul Syllable, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
        ##   D7A3;<Hangul Syllable, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
        ## that define ranges.
        if ($name =~ /^<(.+), (First|Last)>$/)
            $name = $1;
            gencat($name, $cat, $code, $2 eq 'First' ? 'Append' : 'Extend');
            #New_Prop(In => $name, $General{$name}, Fuzzy => 1);
            ## normal (single-character) lines
            gencat($name, $cat, $code, 'Append');

            # No Append() here since since several codes may map into one.
            $To{Upper}->RawAppendRange($code, $code, $upper) if $upper;
            $To{Lower}->RawAppendRange($code, $code, $lower) if $lower;
            $To{Title}->RawAppendRange($code, $code, $title) if $title;
            $To{Digit}->Append($code, $decimal) if length $decimal;

            $Bidi->Append($code, $bidi);
            $Comb->Append($code, $comb) if $comb;
            $Number->Append($code, $number) if length $number;

	    length($decimal) and ($Number{De} ||= Table->New())->Append($code)
	    length($digit)   and ($Number{Di} ||= Table->New())->Append($code)
	    length($number)  and ($Number{Nu} ||= Table->New())->Append($code);

            $Mirrored->Append($code) if $mirrored eq "Y";

            $Bidi{$bidi} ||= Table->New();#Is    => "bt/$bidi",
                                        #Desc  => "Bi-directional category '$bidi'",
                                        #Fuzzy => 0);

            if ($deco)
                $Deco->Append($code, $deco);
                if ($deco =~/^<(\w+)>/)
		    my $dshort = $PVA_reverse{dt}{ucfirst lc $1};

                    $DC{$dshort} ||= Table->New();
    close IN;

    ## Tidy up a few special cases....

    $Cat{Cn} = $Assigned->Invert; ## Cn is everything that doesn't exist
    New_Prop(Is => 'Cn',
             Desc => "General Category 'Cn' [not functional in Perl]",
             Fuzzy => 0);

    ## Unassigned is the same as 'Cn'
    New_Alias(Is => 'Unassigned', SameAs => 'Cn', Fuzzy => 0);

    $Cat{C}->Replace($Cat{C}->Merge($Cat{Cn}));  ## Now merge in Cn into C

    # LC is Ll, Lu, and Lt.
    # (used to be L& or L_, but PropValueAliases.txt defines it as LC)
    New_Prop(Is => 'LC',
             Table->Merge(@Cat{qw[Ll Lu Lt]}),
             Desc  => '[\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}]',
             Fuzzy => 0);

    ## Any and All are all code points.
    my $Any = Table->New(Is    => 'Any',
                         Desc  => sprintf("[\\x{0000}-\\x{%X}]",
                         Fuzzy => 0);
    $Any->RawAppendRange(0, $LastUnicodeCodepoint);

    New_Alias(Is => 'All', SameAs => 'Any', Fuzzy => 0);

    ## Build special properties for Perl's internal case-folding needs:
    ##    \p{_CaseIgnorable}
    ##    \p{_CanonDCIJ}
    ##    \p{_CombAbove}
    ## _CombAbove was built above. Others are built here....

    ## \p{_CaseIgnorable} is [\p{Mn}\0x00AD\x2010]
    New_Prop(Is => '_CaseIgnorable',
                          0x00AD,    #SOFT HYPHEN
                          0x2010),   #HYPHEN
             Desc  => '(for internal casefolding use)',
             Fuzzy => 0);

    ## \p{_CanonDCIJ} is fairly complex...
    my $CanonCDIJ = Table->New(Is    => '_CanonDCIJ',
                               Desc  => '(for internal casefolding use)',
                               Fuzzy => 0);
    ## It contains the ASCII 'i' and 'j'....
    $CanonCDIJ->Append(0x0069); # ASCII ord("i")
    $CanonCDIJ->Append(0x006A); # ASCII ord("j")
    ## ...and any character with a decomposition that starts with either of
    ## those code points, but only if the decomposition does not have any
    ## combining character with the "ABOVE" canonical combining class.
    for my $code (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %CodeToDeco)
        ## Need to ensure that all decomposition characters do not have
        ## a %HexCodeToComb in %AboveCombClasses.
        my $want = 1;
        for my $deco_hexcode (split / /, $CodeToDeco{$code})
            if (exists $_Above_HexCodes{$deco_hexcode}) {
                ## one of the decmposition chars has an ABOVE combination
                ## class, so we're not interested in this one
                $want = 0;
        if ($want) {

    ## Now dump the files.

	my @PVA = $HEADER;
	foreach my $name (qw (PropertyAlias PA_reverse PropValueAlias
			      PVA_reverse PVA_abbr_map)) {
	    # Should I really jump through typeglob hoops just to avoid a
	    # symbolic reference? (%{"utf8::$name})
	    push @PVA, "\n", "\%utf8::$name = (\n",
		simple_dumper (%{$utf8::{$name}}), ");\n";
	push @PVA, "1;\n";
	WriteIfChanged("PVA.pl", @PVA);

    # $Bidi->Write("Bidirectional.pl");
    for (keys %Bidi) {
	    "BidiClass category '$PropValueAlias{bc}{$_}'"

    for (keys %{ $PropValueAlias{ccc} }) {
	my ($code, $name) = @{ $PropValueAlias{ccc}{$_} };
	(my $c = Table->New())->Append($code);
	    "CombiningClass category '$name'"

    for (keys %DC) {
	    "DecompositionType category '$PropValueAlias{dt}{$_}'"

    # $Number->Write("Number.pl");
    for (keys %Number) {
	    "NumericType category '$PropValueAlias{nt}{$_}'"

    # $General->Write("Category.pl");

    for my $to (sort keys %To) {

    for (keys %{ $PropValueAlias{gc} }) {
	New_Alias(Is => $PropValueAlias{gc}{$_}, SameAs => $_, Fuzzy => 1);

## Process LineBreak.txt
sub LineBreak_Txt()
    if (not open IN, "LineBreak.txt") {
        die "$0: LineBreak.txt: $!\n";

    my $Lbrk = Table->New();
    my %Lbrk;

    while (<IN>)
        next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/;

	my ($first, $last, $lbrk) = (hex($1), hex($2||""), $3);

	$Lbrk->Append($first, $lbrk);

        $Lbrk{$lbrk} ||= Table->New();

	if ($last) {
    close IN;

    # $Lbrk->Write("Lbrk.pl");

    for (keys %Lbrk) {
	    "Linebreak category '$PropValueAlias{lb}{$_}'"

## Process ArabicShaping.txt.
sub ArabicShaping_txt()
    if (not open IN, "ArabicShaping.txt") {
        die "$0: ArabicShaping.txt: $!\n";

    my $ArabLink      = Table->New();
    my $ArabLinkGroup = Table->New();

    my %JoinType;

    while (<IN>)
	next unless /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+;/;

	my ($hexcode, $name, $link, $linkgroup) = split(/\s*;\s*/);
        my $code = hex($hexcode);
	$ArabLink->Append($code, $link);
	$ArabLinkGroup->Append($code, $linkgroup);

        $JoinType{$link} ||= Table->New(Is => "JoinType$link");
    close IN;

    # $ArabLink->Write("ArabLink.pl");
    # $ArabLinkGroup->Write("ArabLnkGrp.pl");

    for (keys %JoinType) {
	    "JoiningType category '$PropValueAlias{jt}{$_}'"

## Process EastAsianWidth.txt.
sub EastAsianWidth_txt()
    if (not open IN, "EastAsianWidth.txt") {
        die "$0: EastAsianWidth.txt: $!\n";

    my %EAW;

    while (<IN>)
	next unless /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+(\.\.[0-9A-Fa-f]+)?;/;

	my ($hexcodes, $pv) = split(/\s*;\s*/);
        $EAW{$pv} ||= Table->New(Is => "EastAsianWidth$pv");
      my ($start, $end) = split(/\.\./, $hexcodes);
      if (defined $end) {
        $EAW{$pv}->AppendRange(hex($start), hex($end));
      } else {
    close IN;

    for (keys %EAW) {
	    "EastAsianWidth category '$PropValueAlias{ea}{$_}'"

## Process HangulSyllableType.txt.
sub HangulSyllableType_txt()
    if (not open IN, "HangulSyllableType.txt") {
        die "$0: HangulSyllableType.txt: $!\n";

    my %HST;

    while (<IN>)
        next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/;
	my ($first, $last, $pv) = (hex($1), hex($2||""), $3);

        $HST{$pv} ||= Table->New(Is => "HangulSyllableType$pv");

	if ($last) { $HST{$pv}->Extend($last) }
    close IN;

    for (keys %HST) {
	    "HangulSyllableType category '$PropValueAlias{hst}{$_}'"

## Process Jamo.txt.
sub Jamo_txt()
    if (not open IN, "Jamo.txt") {
        die "$0: Jamo.txt: $!\n";
    my $Short = Table->New();

    while (<IN>)
	next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*;\s*(\w*)/;
	my ($code, $short) = (hex($1), $2);

	$Short->Append($code, $short);
    close IN;
    # $Short->Write("JamoShort.pl");

## Process Scripts.txt.
sub Scripts_txt()
    my @ScriptInfo;

    if (not open(IN, "Scripts.txt")) {
        die "$0: Scripts.txt: $!\n";
    while (<IN>) {
        next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+))?\s*;\s*(.+?)\s*\#/;

        # Wait until all the scripts have been read since
        # they are not listed in numeric order.
        push @ScriptInfo, [ hex($1), hex($2||""), $3 ];
    close IN;

    # Now append the scripts properties in their code point order.

    my %Script;
    my $Scripts = Table->New();

    for my $script (sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @ScriptInfo)
        my ($first, $last, $name) = @$script;
        $Scripts->Append($first, $name);

        $Script{$name} ||= Table->New(Is    => $name,
                                      Desc  => "Script '$name'",
                                      Fuzzy => 1);
        $Script{$name}->Append($first, $name);

        if ($last) {

    # $Scripts->Write("Scripts.pl");

    ## Common is everything not explicitly assigned to a Script
    ##    ***shouldn't this be intersected with \p{Assigned}? ******
    New_Prop(Is => 'Common',
             Desc  => 'Pseudo-Script of codepoints not in other Unicode scripts',
             Fuzzy => 1);

## Given a name like "Close Punctuation", return a regex (that when applied
## with /i) matches any valid form of that name (e.g. "ClosePunctuation",
## "Close-Punctuation", etc.)
## Accept any space, dash, or underbar where in the official name there is
## space or a dash (or underbar, but there never is).
sub NameToRegex($)
    my $Name = shift;
    $Name =~ s/[- _]/(?:[-_]|\\s+)?/g;
    return $Name;

## Process Blocks.txt.
sub Blocks_txt()
    my $Blocks = Table->New();
    my %Blocks;

    if (not open IN, "Blocks.txt") {
        die "$0: Blocks.txt: $!\n";

    while (<IN>)
        #next if not /Private Use$/;
	next if not /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*;\s*(.+?)\s*$/;

	my ($first, $last, $name) = (hex($1), hex($2), $3);

	$Blocks->Append($first, $name);

        $Blocks{$name} ||= Table->New(In    => $name,
                                      Desc  => "Block '$name'",
                                      Fuzzy => 1);
        $Blocks{$name}->Append($first, $name);

	if ($last and $last != $first) {
    close IN;

    # $Blocks->Write("Blocks.pl");

## Read in the PropList.txt.  It contains extended properties not
## listed in the UnicodeData.txt, such as 'Other_Alphabetic':
## alphabetic but not of the general category L; many modifiers
## belong to this extended property category: while they are not
## alphabets, they are alphabetic in nature.
sub PropList_txt()
    my @PropInfo;

    if (not open IN, "PropList.txt") {
        die "$0: PropList.txt: $!\n";

    while (<IN>)
	next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+))?\s*;\s*(.+?)\s*\#/;

	# Wait until all the extended properties have been read since
	# they are not listed in numeric order.
	push @PropInfo, [ hex($1), hex($2||""), $3 ];
    close IN;

    # Now append the extended properties in their code point order.
    my $Props = Table->New();
    my %Prop;

    for my $prop (sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @PropInfo)
        my ($first, $last, $name) = @$prop;
        $Props->Append($first, $name);

        $Prop{$name} ||= Table->New(Is    => $name,
                                    Desc  => "Extended property '$name'",
                                    Fuzzy => 1);
        $Prop{$name}->Append($first, $name);

        if ($last) {

    for (keys %Prop) {
	(my $file = $PA_reverse{$_}) =~ tr/_//d;
	# XXX I'm assuming that the names from %Prop don't suffer 8.3 clashes.
	$BaseNames{lc $file}++;
	    "Binary property '$_'"

    # Alphabetic is L, Nl, and Other_Alphabetic.
    New_Prop(Is    => 'Alphabetic',
             Table->Merge($Cat{L}, $Cat{Nl}, $Prop{Other_Alphabetic}),
             Desc  => '[\p{L}\p{Nl}\p{OtherAlphabetic}]', # canonical names
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # Lowercase is Ll and Other_Lowercase.
    New_Prop(Is    => 'Lowercase',
             Table->Merge($Cat{Ll}, $Prop{Other_Lowercase}),
             Desc  => '[\p{Ll}\p{OtherLowercase}]', # canonical names
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # Uppercase is Lu and Other_Uppercase.
    New_Prop(Is => 'Uppercase',
             Table->Merge($Cat{Lu}, $Prop{Other_Uppercase}),
             Desc  => '[\p{Lu}\p{OtherUppercase}]', # canonical names
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # Math is Sm and Other_Math.
    New_Prop(Is => 'Math',
             Table->Merge($Cat{Sm}, $Prop{Other_Math}),
             Desc  => '[\p{Sm}\p{OtherMath}]', # canonical names
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # ID_Start is Ll, Lu, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nl, and Other_ID_Start.
    New_Prop(Is => 'ID_Start',
             Table->Merge(@Cat{qw[Ll Lu Lt Lm Lo Nl]}, $Prop{Other_ID_Start}),
             Desc  => '[\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}\p{OtherIDStart}]',
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # ID_Continue is ID_Start, Mn, Mc, Nd, Pc, and Other_ID_Continue.
    New_Prop(Is => 'ID_Continue',
             Table->Merge(@Cat{qw[Ll Lu Lt Lm Lo Nl Mn Mc Nd Pc ]},
                          @Prop{qw[Other_ID_Start Other_ID_Continue]}),
             Desc  => '[\p{ID_Start}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{OtherIDContinue}]',
             Fuzzy => 1);

    # Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point
    #                     + Cf + Cc + Cs + Noncharacter + Variation_Selector
    #                     - WhiteSpace - FFF9..FFFB (Annotation Characters)

    my $Annotation = Table->New();
    $Annotation->RawAppendRange(0xFFF9, 0xFFFB);

    New_Prop(Is => 'Default_Ignorable_Code_Point',
             Table->Merge(@Cat{qw[Cf Cc Cs]},
                  ->Merge($Prop{White_Space}, $Annotation)
             Desc  => '(?![\p{WhiteSpace}\x{FFF9}-\x{FFFB}])[\p{Cf}\p{Cc}'.
             Fuzzy => 1);


## These are used in:
##   MakePropTestScript()
##   WriteAllMappings()
## for making the test script.
my %FuzzyNameToTest;
my %ExactNameToTest;

## This used only for making the test script
sub GenTests($$$$)
    my $FH = shift;
    my $Prop = shift;
    my $MatchCode = shift;
    my $FailCode = shift;

    if (defined $MatchCode) {
        printf $FH qq/Expect(1, "\\x{%04X}", '\\p{$Prop}' );\n/, $MatchCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(0, "\\x{%04X}", '\\p{^$Prop}');\n/, $MatchCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(0, "\\x{%04X}", '\\P{$Prop}' );\n/, $MatchCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(1, "\\x{%04X}", '\\P{^$Prop}');\n/, $MatchCode;
    if (defined $FailCode) {
        printf $FH qq/Expect(0, "\\x{%04X}", '\\p{$Prop}' );\n/, $FailCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(1, "\\x{%04X}", '\\p{^$Prop}');\n/, $FailCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(1, "\\x{%04X}", '\\P{$Prop}' );\n/, $FailCode;
        printf $FH qq/Expect(0, "\\x{%04X}", '\\P{^$Prop}');\n/, $FailCode;

## This used only for making the test script
sub ExpectError($$)
    my $FH = shift;
    my $prop = shift;

    print $FH qq/Error('\\p{$prop}');\n/;
    print $FH qq/Error('\\P{$prop}');\n/;

## This used only for making the test script
my @GoodSeps = (
                " ",
                " \t ",
my @BadSeps = (
               " _",

## This used only for making the test script
sub RandomlyFuzzifyName($;$)
    my $Name = shift;
    my $WantError = shift;  ## if true, make an error

    my @parts;
    for my $part (split /[-\s_]+/, $Name)
        if (@parts) {
            if ($WantError and rand() < 0.3) {
                push @parts, $BadSeps[rand(@BadSeps)];
                $WantError = 0;
            } else {
                push @parts, $GoodSeps[rand(@GoodSeps)];
        my $switch = int rand(4);
        if ($switch == 0) {
            push @parts, uc $part;
        } elsif ($switch == 1) {
            push @parts, lc $part;
        } elsif ($switch == 2) {
            push @parts, ucfirst $part;
        } else {
            push @parts, $part;
    my $new = join('', @parts);

    if ($WantError) {
        if (rand() >= 0.5) {
            $new .= $BadSeps[rand(@BadSeps)];
        } else {
            $new = $BadSeps[rand(@BadSeps)] . $new;
    return $new;

## This used only for making the test script
sub MakePropTestScript()
    ## this written directly -- it's huge.
    force_unlink ("TestProp.pl");
    if (not open OUT, ">TestProp.pl") {
        die "$0: TestProp.pl: $!\n";
    print OUT <DATA>;

    while (my ($Name, $Table) = each %ExactNameToTest)
        GenTests(*OUT, $Name, $Table->ValidCode, $Table->InvalidCode);
        ExpectError(*OUT, uc $Name) if uc $Name ne $Name;
        ExpectError(*OUT, lc $Name) if lc $Name ne $Name;

    while (my ($Name, $Table) = each %FuzzyNameToTest)
        my $Orig  = $CanonicalToOrig{$Name};
        my %Names = (
                     $Name => 1,
                     $Orig => 1,
                     RandomlyFuzzifyName($Orig) => 1

        for my $N (keys %Names) {
            GenTests(*OUT, $N, $Table->ValidCode, $Table->InvalidCode);

        ExpectError(*OUT, RandomlyFuzzifyName($Orig, 'ERROR'));

    print OUT "Finished();\n";
    close OUT;

## These are used only in:
##   RegisterFileForName()
##   WriteAllMappings()
my %Exact;      ## will become %utf8::Exact;
my %Canonical;  ## will become %utf8::Canonical;
my %CaComment;  ## Comment for %Canonical entry of same key

## Given info about a name and a datafile that it should be associated with,
## register that assocation in %Exact and %Canonical.
sub RegisterFileForName($$$$)
    my $Type     = shift;
    my $Name     = shift;
    my $IsFuzzy  = shift;
    my $filename = shift;

    ## Now in details for the mapping. $Type eq 'Is' has the
    ## Is removed, as it will be removed in utf8_heavy when this
    ## data is being checked. In keeps its "In", but a second
    ## sans-In record is written if it doesn't conflict with
    ## anything already there.
    if (not $IsFuzzy)
        if ($Type eq 'Is') {
            die "oops[$Name]" if $Exact{$Name};
            $Exact{$Name} = $filename;
        } else {
            die "oops[$Type$Name]" if $Exact{"$Type$Name"};
            $Exact{"$Type$Name"} = $filename;
            $Exact{$Name} = $filename if not $Exact{$Name};
        my $CName = lc $Name;
        if ($Type eq 'Is') {
            die "oops[$CName]" if $Canonical{$CName};
            $Canonical{$CName} = $filename;
            $CaComment{$CName} = $Name if $Name =~ tr/A-Z// >= 2;
        } else {
            die "oops[$Type$CName]" if $Canonical{lc "$Type$CName"};
            $Canonical{lc "$Type$CName"} = $filename;
            $CaComment{lc "$Type$CName"} = "$Type$Name";
            if (not $Canonical{$CName}) {
                $Canonical{$CName} = $filename;
                $CaComment{$CName} = "$Type$Name";

## Writes the info accumulated in
##       %TableInfo;
##       %FuzzyNames;
##       %AliasInfo;
sub WriteAllMappings()
    my @MAP;

    ## 'Is' *MUST* come first, so its names have precidence over 'In's
    for my $Type ('Is', 'In')
        my %RawNameToFile; ## a per-$Type cache

        for my $Name (sort {length $a <=> length $b} keys %{$TableInfo{$Type}})
            ## Note: $Name is already canonical
            my $Table   = $TableInfo{$Type}->{$Name};
            my $IsFuzzy = $FuzzyNames{$Type}->{$Name};

            ## Need an 8.3 safe filename (which means "an 8 safe" $filename)
            my $filename;
                ## 'Is' items lose 'Is' from the basename.
                $filename = $Type eq 'Is' ?
		    ($PVA_reverse{sc}{$Name} || $Name) :

                $filename =~ s/[^\w_]+/_/g; # "L&" -> "L_"
                substr($filename, 8) = '' if length($filename) > 8;

                ## Make sure the basename doesn't conflict with something we
                ## might have already written. If we have, say,
                ##     InGreekExtended1
                ##     InGreekExtended2
                ## they become
                ##     InGreekE
                ##     InGreek2
                while (my $num = $BaseNames{lc $filename}++)
                    $num++; ## so basenames with numbers start with '2', which
                            ## just looks more natural.
                    ## Want to append $num, but if it'll make the basename longer
                    ## than 8 characters, pre-truncate $filename so that the result
                    ## is acceptable.
                    my $delta = length($filename) + length($num) - 8;
                    if ($delta > 0) {
                        substr($filename, -$delta) = $num;
                    } else {
                        $filename .= $num;

            ## Construct a nice comment to add to the file, and build data
            ## for the "./Properties" file along the way.
            my $Comment;
                my $Desc = $TableDesc{$Type}->{$Name} || "";
                ## get list of names this table is reference by
                my @Supported = $Name;
                while (my ($Orig, $Alias) = each %{ $AliasInfo{$Type} })
                    if ($Orig eq $Name) {
                        push @Supported, $Alias;

                my $TypeToShow = $Type eq 'Is' ? "" : $Type;
                my $OrigProp;

                $Comment = "This file supports:\n";
                for my $N (@Supported)
                    my $IsFuzzy = $FuzzyNames{$Type}->{$N};
                    my $Prop    = "\\p{$TypeToShow$Name}";
                    $OrigProp = $Prop if not $OrigProp; #cache for aliases
                    if ($IsFuzzy) {
                        $Comment .= "\t$Prop (and fuzzy permutations)\n";
                    } else {
                        $Comment .= "\t$Prop\n";
                    my $MyDesc = ($N eq $Name) ? $Desc : "Alias for $OrigProp ($Desc)";

                    push @MAP, sprintf("%s %-42s %s\n",
                                       $IsFuzzy ? '*' : ' ', $Prop, $MyDesc);
                if ($Desc) {
                    $Comment .= "\nMeaning: $Desc\n";

            ## Okay, write the file...
            $Table->Write(["lib","gc_sc","$filename.pl"], $Comment);

            ## and register it
            $RawNameToFile{$Name} = $filename;
            RegisterFileForName($Type => $Name, $IsFuzzy, $filename);

            if ($IsFuzzy)
                my $CName = CanonicalName($Type . '_'. $Name);
                $FuzzyNameToTest{$Name}  = $Table if !$FuzzyNameToTest{$Name};
                $FuzzyNameToTest{$CName} = $Table if !$FuzzyNameToTest{$CName};
            } else {
                $ExactNameToTest{$Name} = $Table;


        ## Register aliase info
        for my $Name (sort {length $a <=> length $b} keys %{$AliasInfo{$Type}})
            my $Alias    = $AliasInfo{$Type}->{$Name};
            my $IsFuzzy  = $FuzzyNames{$Type}->{$Alias};
            my $filename = $RawNameToFile{$Name};
            die "oops [$Alias]->[$Name]" if not $filename;
            RegisterFileForName($Type => $Alias, $IsFuzzy, $filename);

            my $Table = $TableInfo{$Type}->{$Name};
            die "oops" if not $Table;
            if ($IsFuzzy)
                my $CName = CanonicalName($Type .'_'. $Alias);
                $FuzzyNameToTest{$Alias} = $Table if !$FuzzyNameToTest{$Alias};
                $FuzzyNameToTest{$CName} = $Table if !$FuzzyNameToTest{$CName};
            } else {
                $ExactNameToTest{$Alias} = $Table;

    ## Write out the property list
        my @OUT = (
                   "## This file created by $0\n",
                   "## List of built-in \\p{...}/\\P{...} properties.\n",
                   "## '*' means name may be 'fuzzy'\n",
                   sort { substr($a,2) cmp substr($b, 2) } @MAP,
        WriteIfChanged('Properties', @OUT);

    use Text::Tabs ();  ## using this makes the files about half the size

    ## Write Exact.pl
        my @OUT = (
                   "## Data in this file used by ../utf8_heavy.pl\n",
                   "## Mapping from name to filename in ./lib/gc_sc\n",
                   "%utf8::Exact = (\n",

	$Exact{InGreek} = 'InGreekA';  # this is evil kludge
        for my $Name (sort keys %Exact)
            my $File = $Exact{$Name};
            $Name = $Name =~ m/\W/ ? qq/'$Name'/ : " $Name ";
            my $Text = sprintf("%-15s => %s,\n", $Name, qq/'$File'/);
            push @OUT, Text::Tabs::unexpand($Text);
        push @OUT, ");\n1;\n";

        WriteIfChanged('Exact.pl', @OUT);

    ## Write Canonical.pl
        my @OUT = (
                   "## Data in this file used by ../utf8_heavy.pl\n",
                   "## Mapping from lc(canonical name) to filename in ./lib\n",
                   "%utf8::Canonical = (\n",
        my $Trail = ""; ## used just to keep the spacing pretty
        for my $Name (sort keys %Canonical)
            my $File = $Canonical{$Name};
            if ($CaComment{$Name}) {
                push @OUT, "\n" if not $Trail;
                push @OUT, " # $CaComment{$Name}\n";
                $Trail = "\n";
            } else {
                $Trail = "";
            $Name = $Name =~ m/\W/ ? qq/'$Name'/ : " $Name ";
            my $Text = sprintf("  %-41s => %s,\n$Trail", $Name, qq/'$File'/);
            push @OUT, Text::Tabs::unexpand($Text);
        push @OUT, ");\n1\n";
        WriteIfChanged('Canonical.pl', @OUT);

    MakePropTestScript() if $MakeTestScript;

sub SpecialCasing_txt()
    # Read in the special cases.

    my %CaseInfo;

    if (not open IN, "SpecialCasing.txt") {
        die "$0: SpecialCasing.txt: $!\n";
    while (<IN>) {
        next unless /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+;/;

        my ($code, $lower, $title, $upper, $condition) = split(/\s*;\s*/);

        if ($condition) { # not implemented yet
            print "# SKIPPING $_\n" if $Verbose;

        # Wait until all the special cases have been read since
        # they are not listed in numeric order.
        my $ix = hex($code);
        push @{$CaseInfo{Lower}}, [ $ix, $code, $lower ]
	    unless $code eq $lower;
        push @{$CaseInfo{Title}}, [ $ix, $code, $title ]
	    unless $code eq $title;
        push @{$CaseInfo{Upper}}, [ $ix, $code, $upper ]
	    unless $code eq $upper;
    close IN;

    # Now write out the special cases properties in their code point order.
    # Prepend them to the To/{Upper,Lower,Title}.pl.

    for my $case (qw(Lower Title Upper))
        my $NormalCase = do "To/$case.pl" || die "$0: $@\n";

        my @OUT =
	     $HEADER, "\n",
	     "# The key UTF-8 _bytes_, the value UTF-8 (speed hack)\n",
	     "%utf8::ToSpec$case =\n(\n",

        for my $prop (sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @{$CaseInfo{$case}}) {
            my ($ix, $code, $to) = @$prop;
            my $tostr =
              join "", map { sprintf "\\x{%s}", $_ } split ' ', $to;
            push @OUT, sprintf qq["%s" => "$tostr",\n], join("", map { sprintf "\\x%02X", $_ } unpack("U0C*", pack("U", $ix)));
	    # Remove any single-character mappings for
	    # the same character since we are going for
	    # the special casing rules.
	    $NormalCase =~ s/^$code\t\t\w+\n//m;
        push @OUT, (
                    "return <<'END';\n",
        WriteIfChanged(["To","$case.pl"], @OUT);

# Read in the case foldings.
# We will do full case folding, C + F + I (see CaseFolding.txt).
sub CaseFolding_txt()
    if (not open IN, "CaseFolding.txt") {
	die "$0: CaseFolding.txt: $!\n";

    my $Fold = Table->New();
    my %Fold;

    while (<IN>) {
	# Skip status 'S', simple case folding
	next unless /^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*;\s*([CFI])\s*;\s*([0-9A-Fa-f]+(?: [0-9A-Fa-f]+)*)\s*;/;

	my ($code, $status, $fold) = (hex($1), $2, $3);

	if ($status eq 'C') { # Common: one-to-one folding
	    # No append() since several codes may fold into one.
	    $Fold->RawAppendRange($code, $code, $fold);
	} else { # F: full, or I: dotted uppercase I -> dotless lowercase I
	    $Fold{$code} = $fold;
    close IN;


    # Prepend the special foldings to the common foldings.
    my $CommonFold = do "To/Fold.pl" || die "$0: To/Fold.pl: $!\n";

    my @OUT =
	 $HEADER, "\n",
	 "#  The ke UTF-8 _bytes_, the value UTF-8 (speed hack)\n",
	 "%utf8::ToSpecFold =\n(\n",
    for my $code (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Fold) {
        my $foldstr =
          join "", map { sprintf "\\x{%s}", $_ } split ' ', $Fold{$code};
        push @OUT, sprintf qq["%s" => "$foldstr",\n], join("", map { sprintf "\\x%02X", $_ } unpack("U0C*", pack("U", $code)));
    push @OUT, (
                "return <<'END';\n",

    WriteIfChanged(["To","Fold.pl"], @OUT);

## Do it....





if ( $FileList and $MakeList ) {
    print "Updating '$FileList'\n"
        if ($Verbose);
    open my $ofh,">",$FileList 
        or die "Can't write to '$FileList':$!";
    print $ofh <<"EOFHEADER";
# mktables.lst -- File list for mktables.
#   Autogenerated on @{[scalar localtime]}
# - First section is input files
#   (mktables itself is automatically included)
# - Section seperator is /^=+\$/
# - Second section is a list of output files.
# - Lines matching /^\\s*#/ are treated as comments
#   which along with blank lines are ignored.

# Input files:

    my @input=("version",glob('*.txt'));
    print $ofh "$_\n" for 
        "# Output files:\n",
        # special files
    require File::Find;
    my $count=0;
        wanted=>sub {
          if (/\.pl$/) {
            print $ofh "$_\n";
    print $ofh "\n# ",scalar(@input)," input files\n",
               "# ",scalar($count+1)," output files\n\n",
               "# End list\n";  
    close $ofh 
        or warn "Failed to close $ofh: $!";
    print "Filelist has ",scalar(@input)," input files and ",
          scalar($count+1)," output files\n"
        if $Verbose;
print "All done\n" if $Verbose;

## TRAILING CODE IS USED BY MakePropTestScript()
use strict;
use warnings;

my $Tests = 0;
my $Fails = 0;

sub Expect($$$)
    my $Expect = shift;
    my $String = shift;
    my $Regex  = shift;
    my $Line   = (caller)[2];

    my $RegObj;
    my $result = eval {
        $RegObj = qr/$Regex/;
        $String =~ $RegObj ? 1 : 0
    if (not defined $result) {
        print "couldn't compile /$Regex/ on $0 line $Line: $@\n";
    } elsif ($result ^ $Expect) {
        print "bad result (expected $Expect) on $0 line $Line: $@\n";

sub Error($)
    my $Regex  = shift;
    if (eval { 'x' =~ qr/$Regex/; 1 }) {
        my $Line = (caller)[2];
        print "expected error for /$Regex/ on $0 line $Line: $@\n";

sub Finished()
   if ($Fails == 0) {
      print "All $Tests tests passed.\n";
   } else {
      print "$Tests tests, $Fails failed!\n";