=head1 ActivePerl 5.8 Change Log For the latest information on ActivePerl, please see: http://www.ActiveState.com/ActivePerl/ =head2 Build 823 ????? ??, 2008 Build 823 IS TBD I =over 3 =item * Minimum system requirements have been changed: Windows 2000 or later is the supported Windows version and Solaris 2.8 is the minimum Solaris version. =item * The tkkit libraries used by the C module have been updated with the latest changes from ActiveTcl 8.4. For Mac OS X this includes specific fixes for OS X 10.5 (Leopard). =item * CVE-2006-4484 has been addressed in Tk. =item * On OS X the supplied F script adds the F<~/Library/ActivePerl/lib> directory to @INC, and PPM will install into this directory by default because the C directory isn't writable without C. Unfortunately F<~/Library/ActivePerl/lib> was also used by ActivePerl 5.10, so you could end up with a mixture of 5.8 and 5.10 modules in that directory. This release uses F<~/Library/ActivePerl-5.8/lib> as a per-user Perl 5.8 specific module area. =back =head2 Build 822.2 November 15, 2007 Build 822.2 is a rebuild for HP-UX. I =over 3 =item * The following security vulnerabilities are addressed in this release: =over =item * CVE-2007-5116 Buffer overflow in the polymorphic opcode support in the Regular Expression Engine (regcomp.c) in Perl 5.8 allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code by switching from byte to Unicode (UTF8) characters in a regular expression. =item * Directory traversal vulnerability in Archive-Tar Archive-Tar would extract files to locations outside the current working directory if the tarball contained either absolute paths, or relative paths containing "../" sequences. This behavior is now disabled by default. The $Archive::Tar::INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE variable can be set to a true value to restore the old behavior. The F utility now requires the B<-I> option to enable the insecure extraction mode. Note that this vulnerability fix is not backwards compatible. You can set $Archive::Tar::INSECURE_EXTRACT_MODE in your F file to restore the insecure operation globally. =back =item * ActivePerl 822 on HP-UX does not include PPM4 and therefore also doesn't include the corresponding changes to the directory layout and @INC directory order. However, all additional modules were still installed into the F instead of the F tree, breaking PPM3. In build 822.2 all non-core modules are installed in the F tree again. =item * The following bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: ActivePerl-DocTools-2.2 Archive-Tar-1.37.2 DBI-1.601 XML-Simple-2.18 =back =head2 Build 822.1 September 23, 2007 Build 822.1 is a rebuild of build 822 for HP-UX on PA-RISC. The original release had several modules compiled so that they would only work on PA-RISC2.0 machines. All modules in 822.1 are compatible with the PA-RISC1.1 architecture again. =head2 Build 822 Wednesday, Aug 1, 2007 Build 822 is based on Perl 5.8.8, but also includes all changes from the Perl 5.8 maintenance branch up to change 31223 plus additional selected changes from the Perl 5.9 development branch. I =over 3 =item * Additional updates and bug fixes in the Perl internals have been applied (on top of the changes in build 821, which was only released on HP-UX). See the F file in the source distribution for the complete list. =item * kill(0, $pid) was always returning TRUE in build 820 on Windows. It now returning the correct values again (bug 67519). =item * It is now possible to send "INT" signals to subprocesses on Windows, as long as they are also running ActivePerl Build 822 or later. For arbitrary subprocesses, only "BREAK" and "TERM" signals will be delivered (bug 67871). =item * The MSI installer would under certain conditions insert invalid script mappings into the IIS metabase, which could disable all script mappings until the invalid entries have been manually removed. This situation could only happen if the user used the "Back" button in the installer to get back to the component selection dialog, and then de-selected some previously selected components (PerlEx and/or Perl for ISAPI). The control flow in the installer has been fixed, and the code manipulating the metabase has been safeguarded to prevent these invalid mappings (bug 68446). =item * The F installer on Windows could create an incorrect script mapping for the F<.pl> file extension (to "Perl " with the trailing space). It now correctly maps to the "Perl" association (bug 68656). =item * $Config{installsitescript} now points to the same directory as $Config{installsitebin} instead of defaulting back to $Config{installscript} (bug 70844). =item * MinGW extension compilation support has been improved. Build 820 added support for $Config{lib_ext}, but broke in turn $Config{obj_ext} (bug 69025). This has been corrected, and $Config{ldflags} is now adjusted too. ActivePerl will also automatically search the F directory for additional libraries, and support linking against both F<.lib> and F<.a> files. Note that some MinGW support may get broken if ExtUtils::MakeMaker is being updated directly to a newer version from CPAN (so don't do that if you are using MinGW). =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: ANSIColor-1.12 Archive-Tar-1.32 Archive-Zip-1.20 CGI-3.29 CPAN-1.9102 DBI-1.58 Encode-2.23 Filter_Util-Call-1.07 PathTools-3.25 Tie-RefHash-1.37 Win32-0.30 base-2.12 libnet-1.21 libwww-perl-5.806 threads-1.63 threads-shared-1.12 =back I =over 3 =item * Build 822 is no longer compatible with the PDK 6 (Perl Dev Kit). Please stay with build 820 if you need to use PDK 6, or upgrade to PDK 7 if you want to use ActivePerl 822. =item * The C module from build 822 will not work correctly with PerlApp from PDK 7 (on Windows only) because the F file has been moved from the F to the F directory. This will be fixed in the PDK 7.1 release. =back =head2 Build 821 Wednesday, Jun 24, 2007 Build 821 is based on Perl 5.8.8, but also includes all changes from the Perl 5.8 maintenance branch up to change 31223 plus additional selected changes from the Perl 5.9 development branch. Build 821 was only distributed for HP-UX. I Build 821 on HP-UX does not include PPM4 or the Tkx module, and it also does not have the simplified directory layout nor the changed order of directories in @INC. These changes will be introduced for HP-UX in ActivePerl 5.10. I =over 3 =item * Many updates and bug fixes in the Perl internals have been applied. See the F file in the source distribution for the complete list. =item * Setting the ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_CC environment variable to C will force the ActivePerl::Config module to use a GCC configuration even when the vendor compiler is available on the PATH. This option is supported on HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows. =item * Windows NT support (broken in build 820) has been restored. =item * The command history of the debugger is now being saved and restored between debugging sessions. =item * The various manpages including the FAQs have been updated in many places. Especially the documentation regarding regular expressions, and regarding Unicode has been expanded. The I has been added as F and the I as F. =item * The I was updated from version 4.1.0 to 5.0.0. =item * stat() and -X file tests now work on dirhandles too. =item * sort() function can now be recursive. =item * The ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} variable now contains the native status returned by the last pipe close, backtick (C<``>) command, successful call to wait() or waitpid(), or from the system() operator. =item * If the ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} variable is set to a true value, then stat() on Windows will not try to open the file. This means that the link count cannot be determined and file attributes may be out of date if additional hardlinks to the file exist. On the other hand, not opening the file is considerably faster, especially for files on network drives. =item * The F files are now installed into the F directory on Windows. Previously they were copied to the F directory because the filesystem on Windows is not case sensitive. =item * The $Config{d_pseudofork} variable has been introduced to differentiate between platforms with real fork() support and the fork() emulation currently implemented on Windows. =item * The following module has been added to ActivePerl: Module-Pluggable-3.6 =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: ANSIColor-1.11 AutoLoader-5.63 Benchmark-1.10 Carp-1.0701 CGI-3.28 CPAN-1.9101 DB_File-1.815 Data-Dumper-2.121_12 Digest-1.15 DynaLoader-1.08 Encode-2.20 Errno-1.10 Exporter-5.60 ExtUtils-Command-1.13 ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.32 ExtUtils-Manifest-1.51 ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.15 Fatal-1.05 File-Compare-1.1005 File-Copy-2.10 File-Find-1.11 File-Glob-1.06 File-Path-1.09 File-Temp-0.18 FindBin-1.48 Getopt-Long-2.36 Math-BigFloat-1.54 Math-BigInt-1.82 Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.13 Math-BigRat-0.18 Math-Complex-1.37 POSIX-1.12 PathTools-3.24 PerlIO-encoding-0.10 PerlIO-scalar-0.05 PerlIO-via-0.04 Pod-Html-1.08 Pod-Parser-1.35 Scalar-List-Utils-1.19 Shell-0.72 Storable-2.16 Switch-2.13 Sys-Syslog-0.18 Text-Balanced-2.0.0 Test-Harness-2.64 Test-Simple-0.70 Text-Soundex-3.02 Text-Tabs+Wrap-2006.1117 Tie::RefHash-1.34 Time-HiRes-1.9707 Time-Local-1.17 Unicode-Normalize-1.01 Win32-0.29 XSLoader-0.08 bignum-0.20 libnet-1.20 threads-1.61 threads-shared-1.11 =back =head2 Build 820 Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 Build 820 is based on Perl 5.8.8. I =over 3 =item * PPM has been upgraded to version 4.01. =over 3 =item * The PPM UI now supports install and uninstall of modules with post-install or uninstall scripts. =item * PPM now always uses package.xml for the ActiveState repository and doesn't fall back to downloading thousands of PPDs if the package.xml file is temporarily unavailable. =item * PPM now runs post-install scripts in dependency order. =item * The --force option to 'ppm install' now allows files already installed by other packages to be overwritten. Ownership of these files is transferred to the new package. =item * Added --no-sync option to the 'ppm search', 'ppm install' and 'ppm upgrade' commands. =item * Added --max-ppd option to 'ppm repo sync' command. =item * Added 'ppm config' command. =item * Added 'ppm tree' command. =item * The 'ppm repo sync' command now always checks the server to see if updates to the repository are available. =item * Improved compatiblity with PPD files from PPM3 repositories. =item * PPM4 now supports ZIP archives as the codebase of PPD files. =item * The 'ppm-shell' command on Windows now uses Term::ReadLine::Stub for terminal I/O to provide command history recall. =item * On Windows, PPM state data is now stored in LOCAL_APPDATA instead of APPDATA. The database can be quite large and is therefore not suitable for the roaming profile. =item * PPM now picks up modules from F; but still looks in the F area first. This allows you to install Crypt-SSLeay in order to be able to access C-repositories. =item * Fixed a problem causing PPM to sometimes download package tarballs from the wrong repository. =item * The PPM GUI now shows which repository a package comes from. The Repository column is hidden by default. =item * The PPM GUI now warns about downgrades on modules selected for installation which have a lower version number than the currently installed version. =item * The PPM GUI used to drop all dependencies if some of them failed. It now keeps any remaining dependencies. =item * In the PPM GUI, package selection is not cleared if the install fails. This makes it possible to retry without having to select all the same packages again. =item * The PPM GUI now shows a download progress bar. =item * New PPM icon on Mac OS. =back =item * There have been various improvements in Unicode handling on Windows. Most of them rely on the fact that Windows stores a short 8.3 name for each filename that is longer, or contains characters not in the system codepage. By using the short name Perl is able to access these files throught the byte stream APIs that the Perl core is using. If the generation of short filenames has been disabled, then filenames containing characters outside the system codepage will still not be accessible. Since the short file names are stored by the file system, this mechanism will also only work for existing files. There is no way to determine a short file name for files that have not yet been created. =over 3 =item * readdir() and glob() will return the short name if the long name cannot be represented in the system codepage. =item * The PATH environment variable is preprocessed and all entries using characters that are not in the system codepage will be replaced with their short name versions. This preprocessing step will also remove surrounding quote characters from all entries in the PATH variable. The PATH cleanup happens early enough that F will be able to find scripts via the C<-S> commandline option in those "inaccessible" directories. =item * Both $^X and the @INC entries derived from $^X (lib and site/lib directories) will be converted to the short form, if necessary. Note that installing ActivePerl into a directory whose name cannot be represented in the system codepage is still discouraged. =item * Win32::GetCwd() will return a short name, if necessary, and Win32::SetCwd() can accept a Unicode name. =item * The new Win32::GetANSIPathName() accepts a pathname that may contain Unicode characters and returns the name in the system codepage. The file or directory must already exist; otherwise characters not in the system codepage will be translated using replacement characters (usually '?'), resulting in a potentially invalid filename. =item * Win32::GetLongPathName() may return Unicode characters now. =item * Win32::GetFullPathName() will return a short name, if necessary. Call Win32::GetLongPathName() on the return value (in scalar context) to get the full pathname in Unicode: =item * Win32::GetFolderPath() will return a short name, if necessary. Call Win32::GetLongPathName() on the return value to get the full pathname in Unicode. =item * Win32::ExpandEnvironmentStrings() may return Unicode characters because it will use the Unicode process environment directly. Any changes to %ENV however will be propagated to the process environment, and %ENV only stores byte strings. There is currently no API to set environment variables to a Unicode string. =item * Win32::MsgBox() now accepts Unicode strings for both the MESSAGE and TITLE paramters. =item * Win32::LoginName() may return Unicode characters. =back =item * The builtin Perl kill() function now support killing process trees by using negative signal numbers on Windows too. Currently kill() on Windows will still only terminate processes owned by the same user, even when the user is a member of the Administrators group. =item * Perl on Windows could hang indefinitely under certain conditions involving more than one of: alarm(), sleep(), waitpid(), system() and a GUI toolkit like Tk, wxPerl, Win32::GUI (or any other function that uses a messageloop). This indefinite loop should no longer occur. =item * The Windows installer now puts F in the PATH. =item * The Windows installer now detects and prevents installation on top of ActivePerl 817 or earlier. This is necessary because the changed order of F and F in @INC would otherwise put old modules from the previous installation in front of the new modules bundled with this release. Also see the installation guide for help on saving and restoring your installed PPM modules with PPM-Profile. =item * The Windows installer for 64-bit ActivePerl will default the install location to F instead of F. Installing both the 32 and 64 bit versions of ActivePerl into the same directory is not supported. The Start menu shortcut and the I entry for the 64 bit version are marked with a " (64-bit)" suffix to differentiate them from the 32 bit versions. =item * Improved MingW compatiblity on Windows. =item * The lwp-request aliases GET, HEAD, POST are no longer installed; use lwp-request directly instead. These aliases created problems on case-insensitive systems where they shadowed other commands. =item * Make HTTP::Daemon deal properly with 'HEAD' requests. It used to generate a content body for these causing confusion on persistent connections. =item * The self-contained tkkits required by the Tcl module have been updated. =item * Restored the old (pre 818) behaviour of C. It now only warns if it can't write to the F file. =item * ActiveState::Browser now also looks for C, C and C on Unix. It also knows how to detect KDE/Gnome properly. =item * ActiveState::Scineplex now has a JSON output mode. =item * Long hostnames are now supported on HP-UX. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Zip-1.18 Data-Dump-1.08 DBD-SQLite-1.13 HTML-Parser-3.56 HTML-Tree-3.23 Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93 Mac-Errors-1.13 Mac-Glue-1.30 Win32-0.28 XML-Simple-2.16 =item * A patch has been applied to DBI-1.52 to make it more robust against drivers not handling multiple result sets with different numbers of columns correctly. DBI wasn't upgraded to version 1.53 because that one breaks compatibility with DBD-Sybase. =back =head2 Build 819 Wednesday, Aug 31, 2006 Build 819 is based on Perl 5.8.8. I =over 3 =item * HTML table of contents did not get updated as packages were installed/removed. =item * libwww-perl package was not properly recorded by PPM. =item * Term-ReadLine-Perl was missing. =item * Upgradable packages no longer show packages with equal version number in the PPM GUI. =back =head2 Build 818 Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006 Build 818 is based on Perl 5.8.8. I =over 3 =item * This is the first non-beta release of 64 bit ActivePerl. It is available for Windows and Linux on x64 as well as Solaris on Sparc. The 64 bit Windows release does not include PerlScript, PerlEx, Perl for ISAPI or PerlEz. The 64 bit releases do not yet contain the Tcl and Tkx modules. =item * PPM has been rewritten; see Release Notes and L for details. =item * All bundled modules and scripts are now installed in the C area and the C area is now completely empty in a new ActivePerl installation. =item * Rearranged order of C<@INC>; modules installed in C area now take precedence over the bundled modules. =item * Simplified directory layout on Unix; no more architecture and version specific directories. This makes the layout the same as the Windows version of ActivePerl. =item * Term::ReadLine console fix for Windows. =item * Avoid trying to read F at startup on Windows. =item * The C method has been enabled for Tk.pm. =item * The Win32::OLE module in libwin32 package has been upgraded from version 0.1704 to version 0.1707. =over =item * add special support for tlbinf32.dll from Microsoft =item * add support for receiving VT_RECORD and arrays of VT_RECORD =item * improve error handling logic =item * fix memory leak in Win32::OLE::Enum::All() and Win32::OLE::Enum::Next() =item * in ClearVariantObject() check IDispatch/IUnknown variants for NULL before calling Release() on them =back =item * Double quotes are now displayed properly in the HTML documentation. =item * F has now been moved into F on Unix. This makes it easier to embed perl and is the same arrangement as perl on Windows. =item * Added ActiveState::Browser module to ActiveState-Utils. =item * Most files of the Perl installation are now readonly on Windows. =item * Added a workaround for Module::Install brokenness that affected ActivePerl::Config (introduced in build 815). This prevented some modules to install under the CPAN shell. =item * Added error checks after execing PL_cshname or PL_sh_path. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.30 CGI 3.20 Compress-Zlib-1.42 HTML-Parser-3.55 HTML-Tree-3.20 Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18 Mac-Carbon-0.77 Mac-Errors-1.12 Mac-Glue-1.27 threads 1.31 threads-shared 1.01 Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0302 =item * New bundled modules: DBI-1.52 DBD-SQLite-1.12 Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.10 Tcl-0.89 Tkx-1.04 =back =head2 Build 817.91 (818 Beta 2) Wednesday, Jul 19, 2006 Introduce PPM graphical interface and Tkx. =head2 Build 817.90 (818 Beta 1) Wednesday, May 31, 2006 Introduce rearranged order of C<@INC> and the new PPM command line client. =head2 Build 817 Wednesday, Mar 22, 2006 Build 817 is based on Perl 5.8.8. I =over 3 =item * Upgraded the core threads and threads::shared modules with threads-1.12 and threads-shared-0.99 from CPAN. This fixes the handle leakage on Windows and allows setting the stack size for new threads. It also fixes both the '!=' comparison operator for thread objects and the crashes while joining threads that go re-introduced in build 816. =item * Fixed several bugs in the new implementation of alarm() for Windows. They did manifest themselves by signals not being delivered, or by GUI applications randomly hanging. =item * Restored binary compatibility for SvPV_nolen() and similar macros. This incompatibility made it impossible to use perlapp for Unix on Tk based applications. =item * Reintroduce PL_memory_wrap for binary compatibility. =item * The C builtin now ignores directories matching the given name when searching @INC. =back =head2 Build 816 Thursday, Mar 2, 2006 Build 816 is based on Perl 5.8.8. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.8 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. =item * ActivePerl build 816 is now also available as a 64 bit Beta release for Windows and Linux on x86_64 as well as Solaris on Sparc. The 64 bit Windows Beta does not include PerlScript, PerlEx, Perl for ISAPI or PerlEz. =item * The ActivePerl Community License has been clarified. It now explicitly allows you to redistribute certain parts of ActivePerl as part of applications generated by wrapping tools such as by PAR, PerlApp and Perl2Exe. Please refer to the license text for actual terms and conditions. =item * ActivePerl for Mac OS X is now a Universal binary that supports all Macintosh hardware natively. =item * ActivePerl for Solaris is now built with the vendor compiler. Previous releases were built with the GNU compiler (gcc). =item * C on Solaris and HP-UX now provide compatibility so that extensions can be built using gcc. This happens automatically if the vendor compiler is not available on the target system. =item * ActivePerl now ships with a preinitialized C module. This avoids the need to go through the configuration dialog the first the CPAN shell is invoked. The configuration dialog can still be invoked by the C command to the CPAN shell. =item * Syntax colored documentation and ActiveState::Scineplex is now supported for all the Unix platforms. =item * Passive transfer mode is now the default for C. This mode is more likely to work with modern firewall setups. =item * Problem where 'perl -s' wasn't able to parse -foo=bar switches has been corrected. =item * The stat() builtin would not return the expected result when passed a directory name with trailing slashes on Windows. This problem has been fixed. This problem caused the rmtree() function of the C module introduced in build 815 to fail for such directory names on Windows. =item * The C is now more efficient and it does not rely on getprotobyname("tcp") to be functional any more. =item * A problem where long groups entries could cause memory exhaustion has been fixed. =item * A problem with the alarm() function on Windows 2003 has been fixed. =item * The Tk module would sometimes fail to update the C<-cursor> attribute of widgets for 64-bit builds of perl. This problem has now been fixed. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Digest-SHA-2.11 HTML-Tagset-3.10 HTML-Parser-3.50 HTML-Tree-3.1901 IO-String-1.08 libwww-perl-5.805 Mac-Errors-1.11 Win32-OLE-0.1704 =back =head2 Build 815 Wednesday, Nov 2, 2005 Build 815 is based on Perl 5.8.7. I =over 3 =item * The PerlEx plugin for IIS has been added to ActivePerl for Windows. It caches precompiled CGI scripts in memory to increase their performance. =item * The table of contents for the HTML documentation has been reverted back to the format used before build 813 (it no longer requires JavaScript to be enabled). =item * ExtUtils::MakeMaker now generates and installs HTML documentation automatically. Regardless how modules are being installed (via PPM, through the CPAN shell, or by manual compilation and installation), the HTML documentation is always kept up-to-date. =item * Code snippets in the HTML documentation are syntax colored. This feature is currently only available on Windows and Mac OS X. =item * ActiveState::Scineplex has been added on Windows and Mac OS X. This module analyzes source code for various programming languages and is being used to colorize the code snippets in the HTML documentation. =item * The ActivePerl::Config module has been added. It allows perl's configuration options to be overridden. The module can also automatically reconfigure ActivePerl for alternative compilation environments when the default compiler cannot be found. On Windows, MakeMaker will use the F compiler from MinGW and the F utility if the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler F and the F utility are not available on the PATH. This will also work automatically from within the CPAN shell. =item * The F executable on Unix will now pick up a matching Config.pm (there is no statically linked Perl on Windows). =item * File::Path's rmtree() function has been replaced to address security vulnerability CAN-2005-0448. =item * Fixed incompatibility problem with Tk and Encode version 2.10 which was introduced in build 813 (perl-5.8.7). =item * Win32::GetOSName() can now identify Windows Vista. =item * Various ActiveState::* utility modules have been added. =item * libwin32 has been updated to version 0.26: =over 3 =item * Win32API::File New GetFileAttributes() function and corresponding constants. Added GetFileSize(), getFileSize(), setFilePointer(), and GetOverlappedResult() functions. The file position operations can use Math::BigInt objects. Experimental new object oriented interface added. This will be moved into a separate module in a later release. =item * Win32API::Registry Added DELETE/READ_CONTROL/WRITE_DAC/WRITE_OWNER/SYNCHRONIZE as KEY_*. =item * Win32::Clipboard GetBitmap() should now work correctly with 1 bit, 4 bit, 8 bit, 16 bit, 24 bit, and 32 bit colors. =item * Win32::Console Renamed GRAY to LIGHTGRAY and added definitions for the "real" GRAY colors. Added get_Win32_IPC_HANDLE() method so that Win32::IPC can wait on a console handle. Added SetIcon() method to change the icon of the window. Don't export the scalar variables to %main:: but into the callers namespace. =item * Win32::Process Added get_Win32_IPC_HANDLE() method for Win32::IPC compatibility. Added STILL_ACTIVE constant for GetExitCode(). Win32::Process::Open() now records the process ID correctly for GetProcessID(). It also creates handle now that can be used with the Wait() method. =item * Win32::Shortcut The Save() function now calls Win32::GetLongPathName() on the filename to make sure to use a fully qualified pathname. The Save() will store the new filename as the 'File' property unless the Shortcut object already has a 'File' property. =back =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.26 Archive-Zip-1.16 Compress-Zlib-1.41 HTML-Parser-3.46 IO-String-1.07 Mac-Apps-Launch-1.92 Mac-OSA-Simple-1.09 Time-HiRes-1.76 Unicode-String-1.09 =back =head2 Build 814 Beta Tuesday, Jun 28, 2005 Build 814 Beta is based on Perl 5.8.7. This release is provided as a Windows MSI installer only. I =over 3 =item * Bundled PerlEx, an ISAPI plugin for the IIS web server. =item * Built in ActivePerl:: module providing version information. =item * The C program now actually runs. This is a demo program installed by the C package. =item * Text-Autoformat module updated to version 1.13. =back =head2 Build 813 Tuesday, Jun 7, 2005 Build 813 is based on Perl 5.8.7. I =over 3 =item * ActivePerl is now supported on the Mac OS X, Solaris (x86), and AIX platforms. =item * New improved HTML documentation which requires JavaScript enabled browser. =item * Installation of the HTML documentation is now optional. =item * Perl 5.8.7 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. =item * ActivePerl will now evaluate 'sitecustomize.pl' at startup if present. The ActivePerl distribution does not ship with this file, but it is a hook that the system administrator can use to set up set up additional site specific @INC entries. =item * Fixed Net::Ping's ICMP implementation to not give up waiting for the echo reply until it either receives an unreachable reply or times out. Previous versions would for instance give up if they received a source quench reply. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.23 Compress-Zlib-1.34 Convert-ASN1-0.19 (only for HP-UX) HTML-Parser-3.45 HTML-Tagset-3.04 libwww-perl-5.803 XML-Simple-2.14 =item * New modules Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.17 Mac-Apps-Launch-1.91 Mac-Carbon-0.74 Mac-Errors-1.10 Mac-Glue-1.25 Mac-OSA-Simple-1.08 MLDBM-2.01 (only for Mac OS X) Text-Autoformat-1.12 Text-Reform-1.11 Time-Epoch-0.02 (only for Mac OS X) Unicode-String-2.07 The "Mac-" modules are only present for Mac OS X as well. =item * The ActiveState-Rx module has been dropped from the distribution. =back =head2 Build 812 Monday, Jan 10, 2005 Build 812 is based on Perl 5.8.6. I =over 3 =item * On Unix, provide a destructor for libperl. This allows libperl to be repeatedly loaded and unloaded by e.g. mod_perl without running out of thread local storage slots. On Windows this was already handled correctly. =item * The reloc_perl -a option has been fixed. It is now possible to relocate from a shorter to a longer path. =back =head2 Build 811 Wednesday, Dec 1, 2004 Build 811 is based on Perl 5.8.6. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.6 has been incorporated. See L and L for a list of changes. =item * Fixed stack corruption in the Tk-804.027 module. This would sometimes make Tk programs crash. =item * Fixed handling of Unicode in XML-DOM-1.43. Some Unicode strings would end up UTF-8 encoded when they should not be. The XML::DOM module is only distributed as part of ActivePerl on HP-UX. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.22 Data-Dump-1.06 Digst-MD4-1.4 Encode-2.09 HTML-Parser-3.38 IO-Zlib-1.04 libwin32-0.24 (only for Windows) libwww-perl-5.801 libxml-perl-0.08 (only for HP-UX) perl-ldap-0.3202 URI-1.35 In addition, IO::String version 1.06 is now included with ActivePerl. =back =head2 Build 810 Monday, Jun 7, 2004 Build 810 is based on Perl 5.8.4. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.4 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. =item * The default install location on Unix is now F. Earlier versions installed into F by default. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.08 Compress-Zlib-1.33 Data-Dump-1.03 Digest-SHA1-2.10 File-CounterFile-1.04 Font-AFM-1.19 HTML-Parser-3.36 libwww-perl-5.79 MD5-2.03 perl-ldap-0.31 (only for HP-UX)) Tk-804.027 URI-1.30 XML-Simple-2.12 XML-XSLT-0.48 (only for HP-UX)) =back =head2 Build 809 Monday, Feb 2, 2004 Build 809 is based on Perl 5.8.3. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.3 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. =item * The Win32 module now includes the Win32::IsAdminUser() function that checks if the current interpreter runs with Administrator privileges. =item * The access violations of detached threads on thread exit have been fixed. =item * Time::HiRes now provides high resolution on Windows too. =back =head2 Build 808 Saturday, Dec 6, 2003 Build 808 is based on Perl 5.8.2. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.2 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. ActivePerl build 808 is still being compiled with the C<-DNO_HASH_SEED> option to maintain binary compatibility with earlier releases. Perl 5.8.2 implements a new rehashing scheme that will kick in dynamically based on the actual data being stored in a hash. This new scheme is backwards compatible and is enabled in ActivePerl build 808. =item * The following modules are bundled with ActivePerl for HP-UX and have been updated to their latest versions: Convert-ASN1-0.18 XML-DOM-1.43 XML-XPath-1.13 XML-XSLT-0.45 perl-ldap-0.30 =back =head2 Build 807 Thursday, Nov 6, 2003 Build 807 is based on Perl 5.8.1. This is the first release of ActivePerl based on this new maintenance release of Perl. This release is meant for use in production systems. However, owing to the sheer volume of changes between Perl 5.8.0 and 5.8.1 that have been incorporated, please be sure to test it thoroughly in a non-critical environment before you upgrade your production systems. Please check L for a list of the major changes in Perl. Only additional changes specific to ActivePerl are mentioned here. I =over 3 =item * Perl 5.8.1 has been incorporated. See L for a list of changes. B The new I feature has been disabled in ActivePerl because it is not compatible with Perl 5.8.0. If we enabled this feature then some modules compiled with 5.8.0 would not work correctly with 5.8.1 and most modules compiled with 5.8.1 would not work at all with Perl 5.8.0. This would require maintaining separate PPM module repositories for 5.8.0 and 5.8.1. To enable the I feature you must recompile ActivePerl from source and remove the C<-DNO_HASH_SEED> definition from the C compiler options. In that case you must compile all CPAN modules yourself too because the PPM repository binaries will not be compatible. =item * Windows 2003 Server is now officially supported. The installer adds entries to the IIS6 "Web Services Extensions" list for both "Perl CGI" and "Perl ISAPI". Both are set to "Prohibited" by default and must be explicitly changed to "Allow" in the IIS Manager. Win32::GetOSName() detects the release version of Windows 2003 correctly. =item * ActiveState::Rx module has been included. This module is necessary to use the Rx Toolkit in ActiveState Visual Perl. You must upgrade Visual Perl to version 1.8.1 to use the Rx Toolkit with Perl 5.8. =item * Many bundled modules have been updated to their latest versions: Archive-Tar-1.07 Compress-Zlib-1.22 Data-Dump-1.01 Digest-MD2-2.03 Digest-MD5-2.30 Digest-SHA1-2.06 File-CounterFile-1.01 HTML-Parser-3.34 HTML-Tree-3.18 URI-1.27 XML-Parser-2.34 XML-Simple-2.09 libwin32-0.21 libwww-perl-5.75 In addition, IO::Zlib version 1.01 is now included with ActivePerl. =back I =over 3 =item * The I command has been fixed. =item * It is now possible to install from a file URL while not being connected to the Internet. =item * PPM now works on Windows even when the Term::InKey module is installed. =back I =over 3 =item * Perl for ISAPI no longer uses line buffering for STDOUT. This is especially important for running under IIS6 which bypasses TCP/IP nagling and directly sends every packet individually. =item * Perl for ISAPI used to close all open file handles before shutting down the Perl interpreter. The intention was to prevent file handle leaks from buggy Perl scripts while running inside the IIS process. Unfortunately Perl may still execute END blocks or call DESTROY methods during final destruction and some file handles may get closed twice in this scenario. This creates a race condition: the file handle may already have been re-opened by a different thread before the second close happens. Perl then closes a file handle it doesn't own anymore. This may cause a different page request to fail. To avoid this race condition Perl for ISAPI will no longer try to automatically close open file handles. Therefore it is possible that broken Perl applications will now start leaking file handles if they don't close them correctly themselves. =back =head2 Build 806 Monday, March 31, 2003 I =over 3 =item * Several bug fixes and other improvements have been merged from the Perl development track. In particular, many of these fixes address problems in the PerlIO implementation. See the ActivePerl source code diff for the complete list of included changes. =item * Other minor bug fixes and documentation updates. =back I PPM has been upgraded to version 3.1. It fixes most of the known problems, including: =over 3 =item * PPM 3.1 now provides all the functionality of PPM 2.0 and 3.0. PPM 2.0 is therefore no longer included in ActivePerl 5.8. =item * PPM now works correctly through a proxy server requiring basic authentication. Previous versions of PPM 3.0 only supported proxy servers that did not require authentication. =item * PPM is now more robust in handling user-defined repository URLs. For instance, URLs with a trailing slash no longer result in fatal errors. =item * Support for ASPN Perl profiles has been much improved. However, at the time of this writing, the ActivePerl 5.8 repositories do not yet support profiles. This is expected to become available shortly. =item * In previous versions of PPM 3, incorrect search results from the repository (such as package names that do not have corresponding PPD files) could crash the PPM3 client. PPM now generates meaningful error messages under these circumstances. =back =head2 Build 805 Thursday, Feb 6, 2003 I =over 3 =item * Several bug fixes and other improvements have been merged from the Perl development track. In particular, many of these fixes address weaknesses in Unicode support. See the ActivePerl source code diff for the complete list of included changes. =item * Bugs in the Perl 5.8 integration of Perl for ISAPI and PerlScript that resulted in failure to flush output correctly at the termination of the script have been fixed. =item * On Windows, system() and backticks could return invalid status when running under environments where the process has to handle Windows messages. PerlScript and Perl for ISAPI fall under this category. The problem has been corrected. =item * On Windows, PerlScript and Perl for ISAPI were affected by a reentrancy problem, which meant that recursive invocation of these two engines could fail. This problem has been corrected. =item * Tk and libwww-perl has been updated to their latest versions. =item * Win32::Shortcut no longer calls CoUninitialize() within an END block. This avoids random coredumps from this module when its DESTROY methods happen to get called after the END block executes. =item * PPM v2 and v3 can now optionally generate HTML documentation when installing packages if POD documentation is found in the package. This is controlled by the rebuildhtml option in PPM v2 and the rebuild-html option in PPM v3. =item * Other minor bug fixes and documentation updates. =back =head2 Build 804 Friday, Nov 29, 2002 I =over 3 =item * This build corresponds to the Perl 5.8.0 source code release. =item * The 800 series builds of ActivePerl are not binary compatible with builds in the 500 or 600 series. Any extensions built using binaries from the ActivePerl 500 or 600 series will need to be recompiled. Note especially that this applies to PPM packages that may have been built for 500 or 600 series builds. =item * Significant changes that have occurred in the 5.8.0 release are documented in L. =item * Support has been enabled for large file access on all platforms, meaning that file manipulation facilities within perl can cope with files larger than 2GB or 4GB. =item * Many new modules are included as a standard part of perl 5.8.0. See "Modules and Pragmata" in L for a detailed list. In addition, the Data::Dump module is now included with ActivePerl. Many other modules have been updated to their latest versions. =item * PPM v3 is now included as the default C executable. PPM v2 continues to be available, and can be executed as C. =back