package Win32::FileSecurity; # # # By Monte Mitzelfelt, # Larry Wall's Artistic License applies to all related Perl # and C code for this module # Thanks to the guys at ActiveWare! # ver 0.67 ALPHA 1997.07.07 # require Exporter; require DynaLoader; use Carp ; $VERSION = '1.05'; require Win32 unless defined &Win32::IsWinNT; croak "The Win32::FileSecurity module works only on Windows NT" unless Win32::IsWinNT(); @ISA= qw( Exporter DynaLoader ); require Exporter ; require DynaLoader ; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader) ; @EXPORT_OK = qw( Get Set EnumerateRights MakeMask DELETE READ_CONTROL WRITE_DAC WRITE_OWNER SYNCHRONIZE STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY MAXIMUM_ALLOWED GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE GENERIC_EXECUTE GENERIC_ALL F FULL R READ C CHANGE A ADD ) ; sub AUTOLOAD { local($constname); ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; #reset $! to zero to reset any current errors. local $! = 0; $val = constant($constname); if($! != 0) { if($! =~ /Invalid/) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { ($pack,$file,$line) = caller; die "Your vendor has not defined Win32::FileSecurity macro " ."$constname, used in $file at line $line."; } } eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }"; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } bootstrap Win32::FileSecurity; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Win32::FileSecurity - Manage FileSecurity Discretionary Access Control Lists in Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Win32::FileSecurity; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module offers control over the administration of system FileSecurity DACLs. You may want to use Get and EnumerateRights to get an idea of what mask values correspond to what rights as viewed from File Manager. =head1 CONSTANTS DELETE, READ_CONTROL, WRITE_DAC, WRITE_OWNER, SYNCHRONIZE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ, STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_EXECUTE, GENERIC_ALL, F, FULL, R, READ, C, CHANGE =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 NOTE: All of the functions return false if they fail, unless otherwise noted. Errors returned via $! containing both Win32 GetLastError() and a text message indicating Win32 function that failed. =over 10 =item constant( $name, $set ) Stores the value of named constant $name into $set. Same as C<$set = Win32::FileSecurity::NAME_OF_CONSTANT();>. =item Get( $filename, \%permisshash ) Gets the DACLs of a file or directory. =item Set( $filename, \%permisshash ) Sets the DACL for a file or directory. =item EnumerateRights( $mask, \@rightslist ) Turns the bitmask in $mask into a list of strings in @rightslist. =item MakeMask( qw( DELETE READ_CONTROL ) ) Takes a list of strings representing constants and returns a bitmasked integer value. =back =head2 %permisshash Entries take the form $permisshash{USERNAME} = $mask ; =head1 EXAMPLE1 # Gets the rights for all files listed on the command line. use Win32::FileSecurity qw(Get EnumerateRights); foreach( @ARGV ) { next unless -e $_ ; if ( Get( $_, \%hash ) ) { while( ($name, $mask) = each %hash ) { print "$name:\n\t"; EnumerateRights( $mask, \@happy ) ; print join( "\n\t", @happy ), "\n"; } } else { print( "Error #", int( $! ), ": $!" ) ; } } =head1 EXAMPLE2 # Gets existing DACL and modifies Administrator rights use Win32::FileSecurity qw(MakeMask Get Set); # These masks show up as Full Control in File Manager $file = MakeMask( qw( FULL ) ); $dir = MakeMask( qw( FULL GENERIC_ALL ) ); foreach( @ARGV ) { s/\\$//; next unless -e; Get( $_, \%hash ) ; $hash{Administrator} = ( -d ) ? $dir : $file ; Set( $_, \%hash ) ; } =head1 COMMON MASKS FROM CACLS AND WINFILE =head2 READ MakeMask( qw( FULL ) ); # for files MakeMask( qw( READ GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE ) ); # for directories =head2 CHANGE MakeMask( qw( CHANGE ) ); # for files MakeMask( qw( CHANGE GENERIC_WRITE GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE ) ); # for directories =head2 ADD & READ MakeMask( qw( ADD GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE ) ); # for directories only! =head2 FULL MakeMask( qw( FULL ) ); # for files MakeMask( qw( FULL GENERIC_ALL ) ); # for directories =head1 RESOURCES From Microsoft: check_sd (thanks to Guert Schimmel at Sybase for turning me on to this one) =head1 VERSION 1.03 ALPHA 97-12-14 =head1 REVISION NOTES =over 10 =item 1.03 ALPHA 1998.01.11 Imported diffs from 0.67 (parent) version =item 1.02 ALPHA 1997.12.14 Pod fixes, @EXPORT list additions Fix unitialized vars on unknown ACLs =item 1.01 ALPHA 1997.04.25 CORE Win32 version imported from 0.66 =item 0.67 ALPHA 1997.07.07 Kludged bug in mapping bits to separate ACE's. Notably, this screwed up CHANGE access by leaving out a delete bit in the C Access Control Entry. May need to rethink... =item 0.66 ALPHA 1997.03.13 Fixed bug in memory allocation check =item 0.65 ALPHA 1997.02.25 Tested with 5.003 build 303 Added ISA exporter, and @EXPORT_OK Added F, FULL, R, READ, C, CHANGE as composite pre-built mask names. Added server\ to keys returned in hash from Get Made constants and MakeMask case insensitive (I don't know why I did that) Fixed mask comparison in ListDacl and Enumerate Rights from simple & mask to exact bit match ! ( ( x & y ) ^ x ) makes sure all bits in x are set in y Fixed some "wild" pointers =item 0.60 ALPHA 1996.07.31 Now suitable for file and directory permissions Included ListDacl.exe in bundle for debugging Added "intuitive" inheritance for directories, basically functions like FM triggered by presence of GENERIC_ rights this may need to change see EXAMPLE2 Changed from AddAccessAllowedAce to AddAce for control over inheritance =item 0.51 ALPHA 1996.07.20 Fixed memory allocation bug =item 0.50 ALPHA 1996.07.29 Base functionality Using AddAccessAllowedAce Suitable for file permissions =back =head1 KNOWN ISSUES / BUGS =over 10 =item 1 May not work on remote drives. =item 2 Errors croak, don't return via $! as documented. =cut