# based on Apache::DBI # modified by Shane Caraveo for use with PerlEx package PerlEx::DBI; # DBI has Apache::DBI hardcoded in it, so trick it into thinking that # we're Apache::DBI BEGIN { $INC{'Apache/DBI.pm'} = "PerlEx/DBI.pm"; $ENV{MOD_PERL} = 1; # $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} already matches /^CGI-Perl/ require DBI; DBI->import(); delete $INC{'Apache/DBI.pm'}; sub connect; *Apache::DBI::connect = \&connect; } use strict; require_version DBI 1.14; # $Id: DBI.pm,v 1.45 2001/01/12 18:59:00 mergl Exp $ BEGIN { # these functions aren't available when testing standalone (not running # under PerlEx) $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG = defined(&PerlEx::Trace) ? PerlEx::Trace() : 5 ; $PerlEx::DBI::VERSION = '0.1'; } sub dbg { print STDERR "PerlEx::DBI: ", @_; } my %Connected; # cache for database handles my %Rollback; # keeps track of pushed PerlCleanupHandler which can do a rollback after the request has finished my %PingTimeOut; # stores the timeout values per data_source, a negative value de-activates ping, default = 0 my %LastPingTime; # keeps track of last ping per data_source my $Idx; # key of %Connected and %Rollback. # supposed to be called in a startup script. # stores the timeout per data_source for the ping function. # use a DSN without attribute settings specified within ! sub setPingTimeOut { my $class = shift; my $data_source = shift; my $timeout = shift; # sanity check if ($data_source =~ /dbi:\w+:.*/ and $timeout =~ /\-*\d+/) { $PingTimeOut{$data_source} = $timeout; } } # the connect method called from DBI::connect sub connect { my $class = shift; unshift @_, $class if ref $class; my $drh = shift; my @args = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_; my $dsn = "dbi:$drh->{Name}:$args[0]"; my $prefix = "$$ PerlEx::DBI "; $Idx = join $;, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]; # the hash-reference differs between calls even in the same # process, so de-reference the hash-reference if (3 == $#args and ref $args[3] eq "HASH") { my ($key, $val); while (($key,$val) = each %{$args[3]}) { $Idx .= "$;$key=$val"; } } elsif (3 == $#args) { pop @args; } # this PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script has finished if AutoCommit is off. my $needCleanup = ($Idx =~ /AutoCommit[^\d]+0/) ? 1 : 0; if(!$Rollback{$Idx} and $needCleanup and defined(&PerlEx::Precompiler::PerlCleanupHandler)) { print STDERR "$prefix push PerlCleanupHandler \n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; PerlEx::Precompiler::PerlCleanupHandler(\&cleanup); # make sure, that the rollback is called only once for every # request, even if the script calls connect more than once $Rollback{$Idx} = 1; } # do we need to ping the database ? $PingTimeOut{$dsn} = 0 unless $PingTimeOut{$dsn}; $LastPingTime{$dsn} = 0 unless $LastPingTime{$dsn}; my $now = time; my $needping = (($PingTimeOut{$dsn} == 0 or $PingTimeOut{$dsn} > 0) and $now - $LastPingTime{$dsn} > $PingTimeOut{$dsn}) ? 1 : 0; dbg "$prefix need ping: ", $needping == 1 ? "yes" : "no", "\n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; $LastPingTime{$dsn} = $now; # check first if there is already a database-handle cached # if this is the case, possibly verify the database-handle # using the ping-method. Use eval for checking the connection # handle in order to avoid problems (dying inside ping) when # RaiseError being on and the handle is invalid. if ($Connected{$Idx} and (!$needping or eval{$Connected{$Idx}->ping})) { dbg "$prefix already connected to '$Idx'\n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; return (bless $Connected{$Idx}, 'PerlEx::DBI::db'); } # either there is no database handle-cached or it is not valid, # so get a new database-handle and store it in the cache delete $Connected{$Idx}; $Connected{$Idx} = $drh->connect(@args); return undef if !$Connected{$Idx}; # return the new database handle dbg "$prefix new connect to '$Idx'\n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG; return (bless $Connected{$Idx}, 'PerlEx::DBI::db'); } # The PerlCleanupHandler is supposed to initiate a rollback after the script has finished if AutoCommit is off. # Note: the PerlCleanupHandler runs after the response has been sent to the client sub cleanup { my $prefix = "$$ PerlEx::DBI "; dbg "$prefix PerlCleanupHandler \n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; my $dbh = $Connected{$Idx}; if ($Rollback{$Idx} and $dbh and $dbh->{Active} and !$dbh->{AutoCommit} and eval {$dbh->rollback}) { dbg "$prefix PerlCleanupHandler rollback for $Idx \n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; } delete $Rollback{$Idx}; 1; } # This function can be called from other handlers to perform tasks on all cached database handles. sub all_handlers { return \%Connected; } # patch from Tim Bunce: PerlEx::DBI will not return a DBD ref cursor @PerlEx::DBI::st::ISA = ('DBI::st'); # overload disconnect { package PerlEx::DBI::db; no strict; @ISA=qw(DBI::db); use strict; sub disconnect { my $prefix = "$$ PerlEx::DBI "; PerlEx::DBI::dbg "$prefix disconnect (overloaded) \n" if $PerlEx::DBI::DEBUG > 1; 1; }; } # used for debugging sub status { print "in PerlEx::DBI::status\n"; my($r, $q) = @_; print qw(); for (keys %Connected) { print '\n"; } print '
', join('', (split($;, $_))[0,1]), "
'; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME PerlEx::DBI - Initiate a persistent database connection =head1 SYNOPSIS # add this switch to CommandLineOptions setting in Interpreter Class -mPerlEx::DBI # or add next line to StartupCode setting in the Interpreter Class use PerlEx::DBI (); # this comes before all other modules using DBI Note to Apache users: PerlEx::DBI is based on Apache::DBI. Except for the configuration noted above, PerlEx::DBI is functionally identical to Apache::DBI. You do NOT need to change anything in your scripts. The usage of this module is absolutely transparent! =head1 DESCRIPTION This module transparently initiates persistent database connections. The database access must be via the DBI module. For supported DBI drivers see: http://www.symbolstone.org/technology/perl/DBI/ When the DBI module is loaded by your script (do not confuse this with the loading of the PerlEx::DBI module itself) DBI looks at the environment variable GATEWAY_INTERFACE and checks to see if it starts with 'CGI-Perl', and whether an Apache::DBI compatible module (in this case PerlEx::DBI) has been loaded. If that is the case, every connect request will be forwarded to the Apache::DBI compatible module. PerlEx::DBI then looks at whether a database handle from a previous connect request is already cached and whether the cached handle is still valid, using the ping method. If these two conditions are fulfilled it just returns the cached database handle. The parameters defining the connection have to be exactly the same for a cached handle to be selected, including the connect attributes. If there is no appropriate database handle or if the ping method fails, a new connection is established and the handle is cached for later re-use. There is no need to remove any disconnect() calls from your code. They won't do anything because the PerlEx::DBI module overloads the disconnect method. The PerlEx::DBI module still has a potential limitation: it keeps database connections persistent on a per-interpreter basis. This means that if a user accesses a database several times, the http requests may end up being handled by different PerlEx interpreters, even though PerlEx tries to use as few interpreters as possible. In this case, every interpreter needs to do its own connect. It would be nice if all interpreters could share the database handles, but currently this is not possible because of strict isolation of the data space of interpreters, for scalability and security reasons. Also, it is currently not possible to create a database handle upon PerlEx startup and later inheriting this handle in every subsequent interpreter. With these limitations in mind, there may be some scenarios where the usage of PerlEx::DBI may not be worthwhile. Consider a heavily loaded web site where every user connects to the database with a unique userid. This could cause many database handles to be initialized and kept persistent, hogging database resources. If you find that PerlEx::DBI results in consumption of excess database resources, you should investigate enabling the native connection pooling features of your database instead of enabling PerlEx::DBI for your scripts. Another potential problem are timeouts: some databases disconnect the client after a certain period of inactivity. PerlEx::DBI normally tries to validate the database handle using the ping-method of the DBI-module. This method returns true as default. If the database handle is not valid and the driver has no implementation for the ping method, you will get an error when accessing the database. To work around this, you can try to replace the ping method by any database command, which is cheap and safe, or you may deactivate the usage of the ping method (see CONFIGURATION below). Here is a generalized ping method, which can be added to the driver module: { package DBD::xxx::db; # ====== DATABASE ====== use strict; sub ping { my($dbh) = @_; my $ret = 0; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { return (0); }; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return (0); }; # adapt the select statement to your database: $ret = $dbh->do('select 1'); }; return ($@) ? 0 : $ret; } } Transactions: a standard DBI script will automatically perform a rollback whenever the script exits. In the case of persistent database connections, the database handle will not be destroyed and hence no automatic rollback occurs. While at first glance it might seem practical to handle a transaction over multiple requests, this will not really work because different requests may be handled by different interpreters. One interpreter will not know the state of a specific transaction which has been started by another interpreter. In general it is good practice to perform an explicit commit or rollback at the end of every script. In order to avoid inconsistencies in the database in case AutoCommit is off and the script finishes without an explicit rollback, the PerlEx::DBI module uses a cleanup handler to issue a rollback at the end of every request. Note that this cleanup handler will only be used if the initial data_source sets AutoCommit = 0. It will not be used if AutoCommit is turned off after the connect has been done. =head1 CONFIGURATION PerlEx::DBI should be loaded upon startup of a PerlEx Interpreter Class. This can be done either by adding the following switch to the CommandLineOptions registry setting: -mPerlEx::DBI or by adding the following line to the StartupCode setting such that it executes before anything else that loads the DBI module: use PerlEx::DBI (); Either of the above can be set within an Interpreter Class to restrict the setting to a single script or a set of scripts under a given location. See the PerlEx documentation for more information on these registry settings. Note that it is important to load PerlEx::DBI before any other modules using DBI! There is one configuration which is server-specific and which can be done within the script after $data_source has been initialized: PerlEx::DBI->setPingTimeOut($data_source, $timeout); This configures the usage of the ping method, to validate a connection. Setting the timeout to 0 will always validate the database connection using the ping method (default). Setting the timeout < 0 will de-activate the validation of the database handle. This can be used for drivers which do not implement the ping-method. Setting the timeout > 0 will ping the database only if the last access was more than timeout seconds before. To enable logging, set the Trace value for your Interpreter Class to 1 or higher. Setting the variable to 1 simply reports every new connect. Setting Trace to 2 enables full debug output. =head1 PREREQUISITES Note that this module needs PerlEx 2.2 or higher and DBI 1.14 or higher. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHORS =over =item * PerlEx::DBI is a modified version of Apache::DBI. PerlEx::DBI by Shane Caraveo =item * Apache::DBI by Edmund Mergl =item * DBI by Tim Bunce =back =head1 COPYRIGHT The PerlEx::DBI module is based on Apache::DBI and is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut