package HTTP::Cookies; use strict; use HTTP::Date qw(str2time time2str); use HTTP::Headers::Util qw(split_header_words join_header_words); use LWP::Debug (); use vars qw($VERSION $EPOCH_OFFSET); $VERSION = "5.810"; # Legacy: because "use "HTTP::Cookies" used be the ONLY way # to load the class HTTP::Cookies::Netscape. require HTTP::Cookies::Netscape; $EPOCH_OFFSET = 0; # difference from Unix epoch if ($^O eq "MacOS") { require Time::Local; $EPOCH_OFFSET = Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,1,0,70); } # A HTTP::Cookies object is a hash. The main attribute is the # COOKIES 3 level hash: $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}{$key}. sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { COOKIES => {}, }, $class; my %cnf = @_; for (keys %cnf) { $self->{lc($_)} = $cnf{$_}; } $self->load; $self; } sub add_cookie_header { my $self = shift; my $request = shift || return; my $url = $request->url; my $scheme = $url->scheme; unless ($scheme =~ /^https?\z/) { LWP::Debug::debug("Will not add cookies to non-HTTP requests"); return; } my $domain = _host($request, $url); $domain = "$domain.local" unless $domain =~ /\./; my $secure_request = ($scheme eq "https"); my $req_path = _url_path($url); my $req_port = $url->port; my $now = time(); _normalize_path($req_path) if $req_path =~ /%/; my @cval; # cookie values for the "Cookie" header my $set_ver; my $netscape_only = 0; # An exact domain match applies to any cookie while ($domain =~ /\./) { LWP::Debug::debug("Checking $domain for cookies"); my $cookies = $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}; next unless $cookies; if ($self->{delayload} && defined($cookies->{'//+delayload'})) { my $cookie_data = $cookies->{'//+delayload'}{'cookie'}; delete $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}; $self->load_cookie($cookie_data->[1]); $cookies = $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}; next unless $cookies; # should not really happen } # Want to add cookies corresponding to the most specific paths # first (i.e. longest path first) my $path; for $path (sort {length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %$cookies) { LWP::Debug::debug("- checking cookie path=$path"); if (index($req_path, $path) != 0) { LWP::Debug::debug(" path $path:$req_path does not fit"); next; } my($key,$array); while (($key,$array) = each %{$cookies->{$path}}) { my($version,$val,$port,$path_spec,$secure,$expires) = @$array; LWP::Debug::debug(" - checking cookie $key=$val"); if ($secure && !$secure_request) { LWP::Debug::debug(" not a secure requests"); next; } if ($expires && $expires < $now) { LWP::Debug::debug(" expired"); next; } if ($port) { my $found; if ($port =~ s/^_//) { # The correponding Set-Cookie attribute was empty $found++ if $port eq $req_port; $port = ""; } else { my $p; for $p (split(/,/, $port)) { $found++, last if $p eq $req_port; } } unless ($found) { LWP::Debug::debug(" port $port:$req_port does not fit"); next; } } if ($version > 0 && $netscape_only) { LWP::Debug::debug(" domain $domain applies to " . "Netscape-style cookies only"); next; } LWP::Debug::debug(" it's a match"); # set version number of cookie header. # XXX: What should it be if multiple matching # Set-Cookie headers have different versions themselves if (!$set_ver++) { if ($version >= 1) { push(@cval, "\$Version=$version"); } elsif (!$self->{hide_cookie2}) { $request->header(Cookie2 => '$Version="1"'); } } # do we need to quote the value if ($val =~ /\W/ && $version) { $val =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g; $val = qq("$val"); } # and finally remember this cookie push(@cval, "$key=$val"); if ($version >= 1) { push(@cval, qq(\$Path="$path")) if $path_spec; push(@cval, qq(\$Domain="$domain")) if $domain =~ /^\./; if (defined $port) { my $p = '$Port'; $p .= qq(="$port") if length $port; push(@cval, $p); } } } } } continue { # Try with a more general domain, alternately stripping # leading name components and leading dots. When this # results in a domain with no leading dot, it is for # Netscape cookie compatibility only: # # Any cookie # Any cookie # Netscape cookie only # Any cookie if ($domain =~ s/^\.+//) { $netscape_only = 1; } else { $domain =~ s/[^.]*//; $netscape_only = 0; } } $request->header(Cookie => join("; ", @cval)) if @cval; $request; } sub extract_cookies { my $self = shift; my $response = shift || return; my @set = split_header_words($response->_header("Set-Cookie2")); my @ns_set = $response->_header("Set-Cookie"); return $response unless @set || @ns_set; # quick exit my $request = $response->request; my $url = $request->url; my $req_host = _host($request, $url); $req_host = "$req_host.local" unless $req_host =~ /\./; my $req_port = $url->port; my $req_path = _url_path($url); _normalize_path($req_path) if $req_path =~ /%/; if (@ns_set) { # The old Netscape cookie format for Set-Cookie # # can for instance contain an unquoted "," in the expires # field, so we have to use this ad-hoc parser. my $now = time(); # Build a hash of cookies that was present in Set-Cookie2 # headers. We need to skip them if we also find them in a # Set-Cookie header. my %in_set2; for (@set) { $in_set2{$_->[0]}++; } my $set; for $set (@ns_set) { my @cur; my $param; my $expires; my $first_param = 1; for $param (split(/;\s*/, $set)) { my($k,$v) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $param, 2); if (defined $v) { $v =~ s/\s+$//; #print "$k => $v\n"; } else { $k =~ s/\s+$//; #print "$k => undef"; } if (!$first_param && lc($k) eq "expires") { my $etime = str2time($v); if ($etime) { push(@cur, "Max-Age" => str2time($v) - $now); $expires++; } } else { push(@cur, $k => $v); } $first_param = 0; } next unless @cur; next if $in_set2{$cur[0]}; # push(@cur, "Port" => $req_port); push(@cur, "Discard" => undef) unless $expires; push(@cur, "Version" => 0); push(@cur, "ns-cookie" => 1); push(@set, \@cur); } } SET_COOKIE: for my $set (@set) { next unless @$set >= 2; my $key = shift @$set; my $val = shift @$set; LWP::Debug::debug("Set cookie $key => $val"); my %hash; while (@$set) { my $k = shift @$set; my $v = shift @$set; my $lc = lc($k); # don't loose case distinction for unknown fields $k = $lc if $lc =~ /^(?:discard|domain|max-age| path|port|secure|version)$/x; if ($k eq "discard" || $k eq "secure") { $v = 1 unless defined $v; } next if exists $hash{$k}; # only first value is signigicant $hash{$k} = $v; }; my %orig_hash = %hash; my $version = delete $hash{version}; $version = 1 unless defined($version); my $discard = delete $hash{discard}; my $secure = delete $hash{secure}; my $maxage = delete $hash{'max-age'}; my $ns_cookie = delete $hash{'ns-cookie'}; # Check domain my $domain = delete $hash{domain}; $domain = lc($domain) if defined $domain; if (defined($domain) && $domain ne $req_host && $domain ne ".$req_host") { if ($domain !~ /\./ && $domain ne "local") { LWP::Debug::debug("Domain $domain contains no dot"); next SET_COOKIE; } $domain = ".$domain" unless $domain =~ /^\./; if ($domain =~ /\.\d+$/) { LWP::Debug::debug("IP-address $domain illeagal as domain"); next SET_COOKIE; } my $len = length($domain); unless (substr($req_host, -$len) eq $domain) { LWP::Debug::debug("Domain $domain does not match host $req_host"); next SET_COOKIE; } my $hostpre = substr($req_host, 0, length($req_host) - $len); if ($hostpre =~ /\./ && !$ns_cookie) { LWP::Debug::debug("Host prefix contain a dot: $hostpre => $domain"); next SET_COOKIE; } } else { $domain = $req_host; } my $path = delete $hash{path}; my $path_spec; if (defined $path && $path ne '') { $path_spec++; _normalize_path($path) if $path =~ /%/; if (!$ns_cookie && substr($req_path, 0, length($path)) ne $path) { LWP::Debug::debug("Path $path is not a prefix of $req_path"); next SET_COOKIE; } } else { $path = $req_path; $path =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; $path = "/" unless length($path); } my $port; if (exists $hash{port}) { $port = delete $hash{port}; if (defined $port) { $port =~ s/\s+//g; my $found; for my $p (split(/,/, $port)) { unless ($p =~ /^\d+$/) { LWP::Debug::debug("Bad port $port (not numeric)"); next SET_COOKIE; } $found++ if $p eq $req_port; } unless ($found) { LWP::Debug::debug("Request port ($req_port) not found in $port"); next SET_COOKIE; } } else { $port = "_$req_port"; } } $self->set_cookie($version,$key,$val,$path,$domain,$port,$path_spec,$secure,$maxage,$discard, \%hash) if $self->set_cookie_ok(\%orig_hash); } $response; } sub set_cookie_ok { 1; } sub set_cookie { my $self = shift; my($version, $key, $val, $path, $domain, $port, $path_spec, $secure, $maxage, $discard, $rest) = @_; # path and key can not be empty (key can't start with '$') return $self if !defined($path) || $path !~ m,^/, || !defined($key) || $key =~ m,^\$,; # ensure legal port if (defined $port) { return $self unless $port =~ /^_?\d+(?:,\d+)*$/; } my $expires; if (defined $maxage) { if ($maxage <= 0) { delete $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}{$key}; return $self; } $expires = time() + $maxage; } $version = 0 unless defined $version; my @array = ($version, $val,$port, $path_spec, $secure, $expires, $discard); push(@array, {%$rest}) if defined($rest) && %$rest; # trim off undefined values at end pop(@array) while !defined $array[-1]; $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}{$key} = \@array; $self; } sub save { my $self = shift; my $file = shift || $self->{'file'} || return; local(*FILE); open(FILE, ">$file") or die "Can't open $file: $!"; print FILE "#LWP-Cookies-1.0\n"; print FILE $self->as_string(!$self->{ignore_discard}); close(FILE); 1; } sub load { my $self = shift; my $file = shift || $self->{'file'} || return; local(*FILE, $_); local $/ = "\n"; # make sure we got standard record separator open(FILE, $file) or return; my $magic = ; unless ($magic =~ /^\#LWP-Cookies-(\d+\.\d+)/) { warn "$file does not seem to contain cookies"; return; } while () { next unless s/^Set-Cookie3:\s*//; chomp; my $cookie; for $cookie (split_header_words($_)) { my($key,$val) = splice(@$cookie, 0, 2); my %hash; while (@$cookie) { my $k = shift @$cookie; my $v = shift @$cookie; $hash{$k} = $v; } my $version = delete $hash{version}; my $path = delete $hash{path}; my $domain = delete $hash{domain}; my $port = delete $hash{port}; my $expires = str2time(delete $hash{expires}); my $path_spec = exists $hash{path_spec}; delete $hash{path_spec}; my $secure = exists $hash{secure}; delete $hash{secure}; my $discard = exists $hash{discard}; delete $hash{discard}; my @array = ($version,$val,$port, $path_spec,$secure,$expires,$discard); push(@array, \%hash) if %hash; $self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}{$key} = \@array; } } close(FILE); 1; } sub revert { my $self = shift; $self->clear->load; $self; } sub clear { my $self = shift; if (@_ == 0) { $self->{COOKIES} = {}; } elsif (@_ == 1) { delete $self->{COOKIES}{$_[0]}; } elsif (@_ == 2) { delete $self->{COOKIES}{$_[0]}{$_[1]}; } elsif (@_ == 3) { delete $self->{COOKIES}{$_[0]}{$_[1]}{$_[2]}; } else { require Carp; Carp::carp('Usage: $c->clear([domain [,path [,key]]])'); } $self; } sub clear_temporary_cookies { my($self) = @_; $self->scan(sub { if($_[9] or # "Discard" flag set not $_[8]) { # No expire field? $_[8] = -1; # Set the expire/max_age field $self->set_cookie(@_); # Clear the cookie } }); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->save if $self->{'autosave'}; } sub scan { my($self, $cb) = @_; my($domain,$path,$key); for $domain (sort keys %{$self->{COOKIES}}) { for $path (sort keys %{$self->{COOKIES}{$domain}}) { for $key (sort keys %{$self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}}) { my($version,$val,$port,$path_spec, $secure,$expires,$discard,$rest) = @{$self->{COOKIES}{$domain}{$path}{$key}}; $rest = {} unless defined($rest); &$cb($version,$key,$val,$path,$domain,$port, $path_spec,$secure,$expires,$discard,$rest); } } } } sub as_string { my($self, $skip_discard) = @_; my @res; $self->scan(sub { my($version,$key,$val,$path,$domain,$port, $path_spec,$secure,$expires,$discard,$rest) = @_; return if $discard && $skip_discard; my @h = ($key, $val); push(@h, "path", $path); push(@h, "domain" => $domain); push(@h, "port" => $port) if defined $port; push(@h, "path_spec" => undef) if $path_spec; push(@h, "secure" => undef) if $secure; push(@h, "expires" => HTTP::Date::time2isoz($expires)) if $expires; push(@h, "discard" => undef) if $discard; my $k; for $k (sort keys %$rest) { push(@h, $k, $rest->{$k}); } push(@h, "version" => $version); push(@res, "Set-Cookie3: " . join_header_words(\@h)); }); join("\n", @res, ""); } sub _host { my($request, $url) = @_; if (my $h = $request->header("Host")) { $h =~ s/:\d+$//; # might have a port as well return lc($h); } return lc($url->host); } sub _url_path { my $url = shift; my $path; if($url->can('epath')) { $path = $url->epath; # URI::URL method } else { $path = $url->path; # URI::_generic method } $path = "/" unless length $path; $path; } sub _normalize_path # so that plain string compare can be used { my $x; $_[0] =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/ $x = uc($1); $x eq "2F" || $x eq "25" ? "%$x" : pack("C", hex($x)); /eg; $_[0] =~ s/([\0-\x20\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTTP::Cookies - HTTP cookie jars =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTTP::Cookies; $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "$ENV{'HOME'}/lwp_cookies.dat', autosave => 1, ); use LWP; my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; $browser->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); Or for an empty and temporary cookie jar: use LWP; my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; $browser->cookie_jar( {} ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is for objects that represent a "cookie jar" -- that is, a database of all the HTTP cookies that a given LWP::UserAgent object knows about. Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections can use to both store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection. For more information about cookies refer to and . This module also implements the new style cookies described in I. The two variants of cookies are supposed to be able to coexist happily. Instances of the class I are able to store a collection of Set-Cookie2: and Set-Cookie: headers and are able to use this information to initialize Cookie-headers in I objects. The state of a I object can be saved in and restored from files. =head1 METHODS The following methods are provided: =over 4 =item $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new The constructor takes hash style parameters. The following parameters are recognized: file: name of the file to restore cookies from and save cookies to autosave: save during destruction (bool) ignore_discard: save even cookies that are requested to be discarded (bool) hide_cookie2: do not add Cookie2 header to requests Future parameters might include (not yet implemented): max_cookies 300 max_cookies_per_domain 20 max_cookie_size 4096 no_cookies list of domain names that we never return cookies to =item $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header( $request ) The add_cookie_header() method will set the appropriate Cookie:-header for the I object given as argument. The $request must have a valid url attribute before this method is called. =item $cookie_jar->extract_cookies( $response ) The extract_cookies() method will look for Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the I object passed as argument. Any of these headers that are found are used to update the state of the $cookie_jar. =item $cookie_jar->set_cookie( $version, $key, $val, $path, $domain, $port, $path_spec, $secure, $maxage, $discard, \%rest ) The set_cookie() method updates the state of the $cookie_jar. The $key, $val, $domain, $port and $path arguments are strings. The $path_spec, $secure, $discard arguments are boolean values. The $maxage value is a number indicating number of seconds that this cookie will live. A value <= 0 will delete this cookie. %rest defines various other attributes like "Comment" and "CommentURL". =item $cookie_jar->save =item $cookie_jar->save( $file ) This method file saves the state of the $cookie_jar to a file. The state can then be restored later using the load() method. If a filename is not specified we will use the name specified during construction. If the attribute I is set, then we will even save cookies that are marked to be discarded. The default is to save a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" lines. "Set-Cookie3" is a proprietary LWP format, not known to be compatible with any browser. The I sub-class can be used to save in a format compatible with Netscape. =item $cookie_jar->load =item $cookie_jar->load( $file ) This method reads the cookies from the file and adds them to the $cookie_jar. The file must be in the format written by the save() method. =item $cookie_jar->revert This method empties the $cookie_jar and re-loads the $cookie_jar from the last save file. =item $cookie_jar->clear =item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain ) =item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain, $path ) =item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain, $path, $key ) Invoking this method without arguments will empty the whole $cookie_jar. If given a single argument only cookies belonging to that domain will be removed. If given two arguments, cookies belonging to the specified path within that domain are removed. If given three arguments, then the cookie with the specified key, path and domain is removed. =item $cookie_jar->clear_temporary_cookies Discard all temporary cookies. Scans for all cookies in the jar with either no expire field or a true C flag. To be called when the user agent shuts down according to RFC 2965. =item $cookie_jar->scan( \&callback ) The argument is a subroutine that will be invoked for each cookie stored in the $cookie_jar. The subroutine will be invoked with the following arguments: 0 version 1 key 2 val 3 path 4 domain 5 port 6 path_spec 7 secure 8 expires 9 discard 10 hash =item $cookie_jar->as_string =item $cookie_jar->as_string( $skip_discardables ) The as_string() method will return the state of the $cookie_jar represented as a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" header lines separated by "\n". If $skip_discardables is TRUE, it will not return lines for cookies with the I attribute. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 1997-2002 Gisle Aas This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.