package ActivePerl::PPM::InstallArea; use strict; use Config qw(%Config); use Carp qw(croak); use ActiveState::ModInfo qw(fname2mod parse_version); use ActiveState::Path qw(join_path); use File::Compare (); use File::Basename (); use ActivePerl::PPM::Package (); use ActivePerl::PPM::Logger qw(ppm_log ppm_status ppm_debug); use base 'ActivePerl::PPM::DBH'; sub new { my $class = shift; unshift(@_, "name") if @_ == 1; my %opt = @_; my $name = delete $opt{name} || ""; my %dirs; if ($name eq "perl") { %dirs = ( prefix => $Config{prefix}, archlib => $Config{archlib}, lib => $Config{privlib}, bin => $Config{bin}, script => $Config{scriptdir}, man1 => $Config{man1dir}, man3 => $Config{man3dir}, html => $Config{installhtmldir}, # XXX ActivePerl hack ); } elsif ($name eq "site" || $name eq "vendor") { my $prefix = $Config{"${name}prefix"} || croak("No $name InstallDirs configured for this perl"); %dirs = ( prefix => $prefix, archlib => $Config{"${name}arch"}, lib => $Config{"${name}lib"}, bin => $Config{"${name}bin"}, script => $Config{"${name}script"}, man1 => $Config{"${name}man1dir"}, man3 => $Config{"${name}man3dir"}, html => $Config{installhtmldir}, # XXX ActivePerl hack ); } else { my $prefix = delete $opt{prefix} || croak("Neither well known name nor prefix specified"); %dirs = ( prefix => $prefix, archlib => $opt{archlib}, lib => $opt{lib}, bin => $opt{bin}, script => $opt{script}, man1 => $opt{man1}, man3 => $opt{man3}, html => $opt{html}, etc => $opt{etc}, ); } # defaults $dirs{etc} ||= $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_PPM_HOME}; die "No prefix" unless $dirs{prefix}; for my $d (qw(bin lib etc html)) { $dirs{$d} ||= "$dirs{prefix}/$d"; } $dirs{archlib} ||= $dirs{lib}; $dirs{script} ||= $dirs{bin}; # cleanup for my $d (keys %dirs) { delete $dirs{$d} unless defined($dirs{$d}) && length($dirs{$d}); } if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { s,\\,/,g for values %dirs; } my $self = bless { name => $name, dirs => \%dirs, autoinit => $opt{autoinit}, }, $class; $self->dirty_cleanup; return $self; } sub name { my $self = shift; $self->{name}; } sub prefix { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{prefix}; } sub archlib { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{archlib}; } sub lib { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{lib}; } sub bin { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{bin}; } sub script { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{script}; } sub man1 { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{man1}; } sub man3 { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{man3}; } sub html { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{html}; } sub etc { my $self = shift; $self->{dirs}{etc}; } sub packages { my $self = shift; my $dbh = eval { $self->dbh }; return wantarray ? () : undef unless $dbh; if (@_) { return @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT " . join(",", @_) . " FROM package ORDER BY name")}; } return @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT name FROM package ORDER BY name")} if wantarray; return $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM package"); } sub packlists { my $self = shift; my %pkg; my $archlib = $self->archlib; my $auto = "$archlib/auto"; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { return unless $_ eq ".packlist"; my $pkg = substr($File::Find::name, length($auto) + 1); substr($pkg, -(length(".packlist")+1)) = ""; $pkg =~ s,/,-,g, $pkg{$pkg} = $File::Find::name; }, $auto) if -d $auto; if (-f "$archlib/.packlist") { $pkg{"Perl"} = "$archlib/.packlist"; } return wantarray ? (keys %pkg) : \%pkg; } sub inc { my $self = shift; my @inc; push(@inc, $self->archlib); my $lib = $self->lib; push(@inc, $lib) unless $lib eq $inc[0]; return @inc; } sub verify { my($self, %opt) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $pkg = delete $opt{package}; my $file_cb = delete $opt{file_cb}; my $badfile_cb = delete $opt{badfile_cb}; my $pkg_id; if ($pkg) { $pkg_id = $self->package_id($pkg); croak("Package $pkg is not known") unless defined($pkg_id); } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT path, md5, mode FROM file" . (defined($pkg_id) ? " WHERE package_id = $pkg_id" : "") . " ORDER BY path"); $sth->execute; my %status = ( verified => 0, ); $status{id} = $pkg_id if $pkg_id; while (my($path, $md5, $mode) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $path = $self->_expand_path($path); &$file_cb($path, $md5, $mode) if $file_cb; if (my $info = _file_info($path)) { if (defined($mode) && $mode != $info->{mode}) { &$badfile_cb("wrong_mode", $path, $info->{mode}, $mode) if $badfile_cb; $status{wrong_mode}++; } if (defined $md5 && $md5 ne $info->{md5}) { &$badfile_cb("modified", $path, $info->{md5}, $md5) if $badfile_cb;; $status{modified}++; } } else { &$badfile_cb("missing", $path, $info->{md5}, $info->{mode}) if $badfile_cb;; $status{missing}++; } $status{verified}++; } wantarray ? %status : !($status{wrong_mode} || $status{modified} || $status{missing}); } sub package_id { my $self = shift; my $pkg = shift; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $id = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM package WHERE name = ?", undef, $pkg); if (!defined($id) && @_) { my %opt = @_; if ($opt{sloppy}) { # Since the package name is always a feature there is no need for # caseless search for it explictly my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT package_id FROM feature WHERE lower(name) = lower(?) AND role = 'p'", undef, $pkg); if (@$ids > 1) { my @p = map $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM package WHERE id = ?", undef, $_), @$ids; die "The name $pkg is ambiguous; please select one of " . join(", ", @p); } $id = $ids->[0]; } } return $id; } sub package { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/) { $id = $self->package_id($id, @_); return undef unless defined($id); } return ActivePerl::PPM::Package->new_dbi($self->dbh, $id); } sub package_files { my($self, $id) = @_; return $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM file WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $id) unless wantarray; return map $self->_expand_path($_), @{$self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT path FROM file WHERE package_id = ? ORDER BY path", undef, $id)} } sub package_packlist { my($self, $id) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $packlist = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT path FROM file WHERE package_id = ? AND path like '%/.packlist'", undef, $id); $packlist = $self->_expand_path($packlist) if $packlist; return $packlist; } sub feature_have { my($self, $feature) = @_; my $vers = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT max(version) FROM feature WHERE name = ? AND role = 'p'", undef, $feature); $vers = "0E0" if defined($vers) && !$vers; # ensure a TRUE value return $vers; } sub install { my $self = shift; @_ = (packages => [@_]) if @_ && ref($_[0]); # legacy my %args = @_; my @packages = @{delete $args{packages} || []}; # check packages and default file based on blib croak("No packages to install") unless @packages; for my $pkg (@packages) { croak("Missing package name") unless $pkg->{name}; if (my $blib = $pkg->{blib}) { for my $d (qw(arch archlib lib bin script man1 man3 html)) { next unless -d "$blib/$d"; next if $d =~ /^man/ && !$self->{dirs}{$d}; my $dd = $d; $dd = "archlib" if $dd eq "arch"; # :-( $pkg->{files}{"$blib/$d"} = "$dd:"; } } } my $dbh = $self->dbh; require ExtUtils::Packlist; die "Can't install into read-only area" if $self->{readonly}; # do install my %state = ( dbh => $dbh, self => $self, pkg_id => undef, force => $args{force}, commit => [], rollback => [], old_files => {}, summary => {}, ); local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; eval { my $dirty = $self->_dirty_file; die "Previous install did not clean up properly" if -e $dirty; { open(my $fh, ">", $dirty) || die "Can't create '$dirty': $!"; print $fh "$$\n"; close($fh) || die "Can't write to '$dirty': $!"; ppm_debug("Created $dirty"); } _on_rollback(\%state, "unlink", $dirty); for my $pkg (@packages) { $pkg = ActivePerl::PPM::Package->new($pkg); $state{summary}{pkg}{$pkg->{name}}{new_version} = $pkg->{version}; my $pkg_id = $self->package_id($pkg->{name}); if (defined $pkg_id) { for (@{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT path FROM file where package_id = $pkg_id")}) { $state{old_files}{$_}++; } $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE package_id = $pkg_id"); $pkg->{id} = $pkg_id; my $old_pkg = $self->package($pkg_id); $state{summary}{pkg}{$pkg->{name}}{old_version} = $old_pkg->{version}; } else { delete $pkg->{id}; # might be left over from the RepoPackage } $state{pkg_id} = $pkg_id = $pkg->dbi_store($dbh); $state{pkg_name} = $pkg->{name}; $state{packlist} = ExtUtils::Packlist->new; ppm_log("NOTICE", "Installing $pkg->{name} with id $pkg_id"); my $files = $pkg->{files}; next unless $files; for my $from (sort keys %$files) { die "There is no '$from' to install from" unless -l $from || -e _; my $to = $self->_expand_path($files->{$from}); ppm_debug("Copy $from --> $to"); if (-d _) { die "Can't install a directory on top of $to" if -e $to && !-d _; for ($from, $to) { $_ .= "/" unless m,/\z,; } _copy_dir(\%state, $from, $to); } elsif (-f _) { _copy_file(\%state, $from, $to); } else { die "Can't install $from since it's neither a regular file nor a directory"; } } # write .packlist (my $packlist_pkg = $pkg->{name}) =~ s,-,/,g; my $packlist_file = $self->_expand_path("archlib:auto/$packlist_pkg/.packlist"); my $packlist_dir = File::Basename::dirname($packlist_file); _mk_path(\%state, $packlist_dir); if (-e $packlist_file) { my $bak = "$packlist_file.ppmbak"; die "Can't save to $bak since it exists" if -e $bak; rename($packlist_file, $bak) || die "Can't rename as $bak: $!"; _on_rollback(\%state, "rename", $bak, $packlist_file); _on_commit(\%state, "unlink", $bak); } $state{packlist}->write($packlist_file) || die "Can't write '$packlist_file': $!"; $state{summary}{pkg}{$pkg->{name}}{packlist} = $packlist_file; _on_rollback(\%state, "unlink", $packlist_file); _save_file_info(\%state, $packlist_file); } for (keys %{$state{old_files}}) { _on_commit(\%state, "unlink", $self->_expand_path($_)); $state{summary}{count}{deleted}++; } _on_commit(\%state, "unlink", $dirty); # must be last die "Giving up" if our $FAIL_AT_END_OF_INSTALL; # hook for testing }; if ($@) { ppm_log("ERR", "Rollback $@"); $dbh->rollback; _do_action(reverse @{$state{rollback}}); return undef; } else { ppm_log("NOTICE", "Commit install"); $dbh->commit; _do_action(@{$state{commit}}); return $state{summary} || {}; } } sub dirty_cleanup { my $self = shift; my $dirty = $self->_dirty_file; if (-e $dirty && time - (stat _)[9] > 60) { # The dirty flag file is more than a minute old. Likely to be # left over from a crashed install. my $prefix = $self->prefix; ppm_log("WARN", "Cleaning up dirty install attempt in $prefix"); my $count = 0; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { return unless /\.ppmbak\z/; my $base = substr($File::Find::name, 0, -7); unlink($base); rename("$base.ppmbak", $base) || die "Can't restore $base: $!"; ppm_log("WARN", "$base restored"); $count++; }, $prefix); unlink($dirty) || die "Can't unlink '$dirty': $!"; my $s = ($count == 1) ? "" : "s"; $count ||= "no"; ppm_log("WARN", "$count file$s needed to be restored"); } } sub _do_action { for my $action (@_) { my($op, @args) = @$action; ppm_debug("$op @args"); if ($op eq "rmdir") { for my $d (@args) { rmdir($d) || ppm_log("WARN", "Can't rmdir($d): $!"); } } elsif ($op eq "unlink") { # Some platforms (HP-UX) cannot delete in-use executables # and will produce "Text file busy" (ETXTBSY) warnings # here. So make it clear this is "just" a warning. unlink(@args) || ppm_log("WARN", "Can't unlink(@args): $!"); } elsif ($op eq "rename") { rename($args[0], $args[1]) || ppm_log("WARN", "Can't rename(@args): $!"); } else { # programmer error die "Don't know how to '$op'"; } } } sub _on_rollback { my $state = shift; push(@{$state->{rollback}}, [@_]); } sub _on_commit { my $state = shift; push(@{$state->{commit}}, [@_]); } sub _copy_file { my($state, $from, $to) = @_; my $copy_to = $to; if (-e $to) { if (-f _ && ((stat _)[2] & 07777) == ((stat $from)[2] & 07777) && # same mode File::Compare::compare($from, $to) == 0) # same content { $copy_to = undef; $state->{summary}{count}{unchanged}++; ppm_log("INFO", "$to already present"); } else { my $bak = "$to.ppmbak"; die "Can't save to $bak since it exists" if -e $bak; rename($to, $bak) || die "Can't rename as $bak: $!"; _on_rollback($state, "rename", $bak, $to); _on_commit($state, "unlink", $bak); $state->{summary}{count}{updated}++; } } else { $state->{summary}{count}{installed}++; } if ($copy_to) { open(my $in, "<", $from) || die "Can't open $from: $!"; binmode($in); my $out; open($out, ">", $copy_to) || do { my $err = $!; my $dirname = File::Basename::dirname($copy_to); _mk_path($state, $dirname); if (open($out, ">", $copy_to)) { $err = undef; } die "Can't create $copy_to: $err" if $err; }; binmode($out); _on_rollback($state, "unlink", $copy_to); my $n; my $buf; while ( ($n = read($in, $buf, 4*1024))) { print $out $buf; } die "Read failed for file $from: $!" unless defined $n; unless (($^O eq "MSWin32")) { chmod((stat $in)[2] & 07777, $out); # copy mode } close($in); close($out) || die "Write failed for file $copy_to"; if (($^O eq "MSWin32")) { chmod((stat $from)[2] & 07777, $copy_to); # copy mode } ppm_log("INFO", "$copy_to written"); } $state->{packlist}{$to}++; _save_file_info($state, $to); } sub _save_file_info { my($state, $path) = @_; my $rpath = $state->{self}->_relative_path($path); my $info = _file_info($path) || die "Whoa '$path' missing: $!"; delete $state->{old_files}{$rpath}; eval { $state->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO file (package_id, path, md5, mode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $state->{pkg_id}, $rpath, $info->{md5}, $info->{mode}); }; if ($@) { my $err = $@; my $name = $state->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT name FROM package, file WHERE = package_id AND file.path = ?", undef, $rpath); die $err unless $name; if ($state->{force}) { $state->{dbh}->do("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO file (package_id, path, md5, mode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $state->{pkg_id}, $rpath, $info->{md5}, $info->{mode}); ppm_log("WARN", "File conflict for '$path'; file owned by package $name overwritten by package $state->{pkg_name}"); } else { die "File conflict for '$path'. The package $name has already installed a file that package $state->{pkg_name} wants to install." } } } sub _copy_dir { my($state, $from, $to) = @_; _mk_path($state, $to); opendir(my $dh, $from) || die "Can't opendir $from: $!"; my @files = sort readdir($dh); closedir($dh); for my $f (@files) { next if $f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f eq ".exists" || $f =~ /~\z/; my $from_file = "$from$f"; my $to_file = "$to$f"; if (-l $from_file) { die "Can't copy link $from_file"; } elsif (-f _) { _copy_file($state, $from_file, $to_file); } elsif (-d _) { _copy_dir($state, "$from_file/", "$to_file/"); } else { die "Don't know how to copy $from_file"; } } } sub _mk_path { my($state, $dir) = @_; return if -d $dir; my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($dir); die "$dir isn't a directory" if $parent eq $dir; # recusion safety _mk_path($state, $parent); mkdir($dir, 0755) || die "Can't mkdir $dir: $!"; _on_rollback($state, "rmdir", $dir); } sub uninstall { my $self = shift; my $pkg = shift; my $pkg_id = $self->package_id($pkg); unless (defined $pkg_id) { die "Package $pkg isn't installed"; } # XXX check if removing this package would break any dependencies # Delete the files my $dbh = $self->dbh; die "Can't uninstall from read-only area" if $self->{readonly}; local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT path FROM file WHERE package_id = ?"); $sth->execute($pkg_id); my %dir; while (my($path) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $path = $self->_expand_path($path); if (unlink($path)) { ppm_log("NOTICE", "rm $path"); $dir{File::Basename::dirname($path)}++; } else { ppm_log("WARN", "Can't remove $path: $!"); } } # Clean up any directories that ended up empty while (%dir) { # Process the directory with the longest name in each round, as # this ensures that we don't try to remove same directory # more than once. my $dir = (sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} keys %dir)[0]; delete $dir{$dir}; next if grep $dir eq $_, values %{$self->{dirs}}; # never delete any of our roots last if length($dir) <= length($self->{dirs}{prefix}); # safety net # Rely on rmdir() failing for non-empty directories if (rmdir($dir)) { ppm_log("NOTICE", "rmdir $dir"); $dir{File::Basename::dirname($dir)}++ } else { ppm_log("WARN", "rmdir $dir: $!") unless $!{ENOTEMPTY}; } } # Prune the database $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $pkg_id); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM feature WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $pkg_id); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM script WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $pkg_id); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM package WHERE id = ?", undef, $pkg_id); $dbh->commit; } sub _init_db { my $self = shift; my $etc = $self->etc; my $db_file = "ppm-area.db"; my $name = $self->name; $db_file = "ppm-$name-area.db" if $name; $db_file = "$etc/$db_file"; unless (-f $db_file) { unless ($self->{autoinit}) { my $msg = "Uninitialized install area "; $msg .= $name ? $name : " _at " . $self->prefix; #require Carp; Carp::confess($msg); die $msg; } unless (-d $etc) { require File::Path; File::Path::mkpath($etc) || die "Can't mkpath($etc): $!"; } } require DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_file", "", "", { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, }); die "$db_file: $DBI::errstr" unless $dbh; $self->{dbh} = $dbh; local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; my $v = $dbh->selectrow_array("PRAGMA user_version"); die "Assert" unless defined $v; if ($v == 0) { ppm_log("WARN", "Setting up schema for $db_file"); _init_ppm_schema($dbh); $dbh->do("PRAGMA user_version = 1"); $dbh->commit; $self->sync_db; return; } if ($v != 1) { die "Unrecognized database schema $v for $db_file"; } # check if we have opened a readonly database based on technique # suggested in local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; unless ($dbh->do("UPDATE package SET rowid=0 WHERE 0")) { $self->{readonly}++; } } sub initialize { my $self = shift; local $self->{autoinit} = 1; delete $self->{dbh_err}; return !!$self->dbh; } sub initialized { my $self = shift; return !!eval { $self->dbh }; } sub readonly { my $self = shift; return 1 unless eval { $self->dbh }; # need to try to open database to know return $self->{readonly}; } sub _init_ppm_schema { my $dbh = shift; for my $create (ActivePerl::PPM::Package->sql_create_tables(name_unique => 1)) { $dbh->do($create) || die "Can't create database table"; } $dbh->do(<<'EOT'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file ( package_id integer, path text unique not null, md5 char(32), mode integer ) EOT } sub sync_db { my($self, %opt) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; my $name = $self->name || "unnamed"; ppm_status("begin", "Syncing $name PPM database with .packlists"); my $unchanged = 0; require ExtUtils::Packlist; my $pkglists = $self->packlists; for my $pkg (sort keys %$pkglists) { my $id = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT id FROM package WHERE name = ?", undef, $pkg); if (defined $id) { my $md5 = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT md5 FROM file WHERE package_id = ? AND path LIKE '%/.packlist'", undef, $id); if ($md5 && $md5 eq _file_md5($pkglists->{$pkg})) { # packlist unchanged, so there is a good change package is too # but let's also check the main module file if present my $changed = 0; my $mainmod_fname = $pkg; $mainmod_fname =~ s,-,/,g; $mainmod_fname .= ".pm"; my($mainmod_path, $mainmod_md5) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT path,md5 FROM file WHERE package_id = ? AND (path LIKE ? or path LIKE ?)", undef, $id, "%/$mainmod_fname", "%:$mainmod_fname"); if ($mainmod_path) { $mainmod_path = $self->_expand_path($mainmod_path); $changed++ if $mainmod_md5 ne _file_md5($mainmod_path); } unless ($changed) { $unchanged++; next; } } ppm_log("INFO", "Package $pkg: updated"); } else { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO package (name) VALUES (?)", undef, $pkg); $id = $dbh->func('last_insert_rowid'); #$dbh->last_insert_id; ppm_log("INFO", "Package $pkg: created"); } my $pkglist = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($pkglists->{$pkg}); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $id); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM feature WHERE package_id = ? AND role = 'p'", undef, $id); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO feature (package_id, name, version, role) VALUES (?, ?, 0, 'p')", undef, $id, $pkg); for my $f ($pkglists->{$pkg}, sort keys %$pkglist) { my $path = $self->_relative_path($f); my $info = _file_info($f); unless ($info) { ppm_log("ERR", "Package $pkg: File $f missing\n"); next; } ; unless (eval { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO file (package_id, path, md5, mode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $id, $path, $info->{md5}, $info->{mode}) }) { my $epath = $self->_expand_path($path); my $owner = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT FROM package, file WHERE = file.package_id AND file.path = ?", undef, $path); ppm_log("ERR", "Package $pkg: File conflict for $epath already owned by $owner"); next; } if ($f =~ /\.pm$/) { my $mod = $f; $mod =~ s,\\,/,g if $^O eq "MSWin32"; $mod =~ s,^$self->{dirs}{archlib}/,, or $mod =~ s,^$self->{dirs}{lib}/,,; $mod = fname2mod($mod); my $vers = eval { parse_version($f) }; unless ($opt{keep_package_version}) { (my $mod_pkg = $mod) =~ s/::/-/g; if ($mod_pkg eq $pkg && defined($vers)) { $dbh->do("UPDATE package SET version = ? WHERE id = ?", undef, $vers, $id); } } $mod .= "::" unless $mod =~ /::/; $dbh->do("INSERT INTO feature (package_id, name, version, role) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $id, $mod, ($vers || 0), "p"); } } $dbh->commit; } # check if any registered packages are now gone for my $pkg ($self->packages) { next if $pkglists->{$pkg}; # already processed my %info = $self->verify(package => $pkg); if ($info{verified} && $info{verified} == ($info{missing} || 0)) { # all files has been deleted, nuke package die "Assert" unless $info{id}; ppm_log("NOTICE", "Package $pkg: deleted"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM file WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $info{id}); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM feature WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $info{id}); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM script WHERE package_id = ?", undef, $info{id}); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM package WHERE id = ?", undef, $info{id}); $dbh->commit; } else { ppm_log("WARN", "The $pkg package is missing its .packlist"); } } ppm_log("NOTICE", "$unchanged packages found up-to-date") if $unchanged; ppm_status("end"); } sub _dirty_file { my $self = shift; my $n = $self->name; my $base = $n ? "ppm-$n-dirty" : "ppm-dirty"; return $self->_expand_path("etc:$base");} sub _relative_path { my($self, $path) = @_; $path =~ s,\\,/,g if $^O eq "MSWin32"; $path =~ s,^\Q$self->{dirs}{prefix}\E/,prefix:,; return $path; } sub _expand_path { my($self, $path) = @_; if ($path =~ s/^([a-z][a-z\d]+)://) { my $d = $1; die "No $d dirs configured" unless exists $self->{dirs}{$d}; $path = join_path($self->{dirs}{$d}, $path); $path =~ s,\\,/,g if $^O eq "MSWin32"; } return $path; } sub _file_info { my $file = shift; open(my $fh, "<", $file) || return undef; binmode($fh); my %info; @info{qw(dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime ctime blksize blocks)} = stat($fh); $info{mode} &= 07777; require Digest::MD5; $info{md5} = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh)->hexdigest; return \%info; } sub _file_md5 { my $file = shift; if (my $info = _file_info($file)) { return $info->{md5}; } return ""; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ActivePerl::PPM::InstallArea - Perl installation area =head1 SYNOPSIS my $area = ActivePerl::PPM::InstallArea->new("site"); # or my $area = ActivePerl::PPM::InstallArea->new(prefix => "$ENV{HOME}/perl"); =head1 DESCRIPTION An C object provide an interface to a Perl install area. Different install areas might have different protection policies and each contain a set of installed packages and modules. The concept is the same as C provided by L. An install area is divided into the following directories: =over 8 =item lib This is where architecture neutral modules go. Packages that are implemented in pure perl are installed here. =item archlib This is where architecture specific modules go. Packages that are implemented using XS code are installed here. For ActivePerl this will normally be the same as C. =item script This is where architecture neutral programs go. =item bin This is where architecture specific programs go. For ActivePerl this will normally be the same as C